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MINUSMA victim in Timbuktu of a complex terrorist attack. French people affected (V3)

(B2) A blue helmet was killed and a dozen others wounded, this Saturday (April 14) in the afternoon, during an attack on the camp of the United Nations force in Mali (MINUSMA) in Timbuktu which a also affected seven French people from Barkhane, the French base being co-located in the airport area. The balance sheet, which remained unclear, is now known.

night patrol (credit: Minusma / B2 Archives)

A complex attack

The attack was very important " and " complex confirmed MINUSMA, in a press release, with first mortar fire, weapon fire and the use of suicide vehicles. There " situation is now under control “Said MINUSMA in the evening. The attack lasted more than three hours if we rely on the times communicated by the Malian Ministry of Security: the attack took place around 15 p.m. (17 p.m. Paris time) and ended around 18:30 p.m. from Paris).

Three vehicle bombs

The attack was particularly studied. Three vehicles (and not just two as mentioned at first) thus presented themselves at the gates of the UN camp, one bearing the colors of the Malian Armed Forces (FAMA), the other the acronym UN des Nations United. Some of the occupants wore blue helmet uniforms. " This attack aimed to take control of this camp and cause the most damage.. “Vehicles were booby-trapped, to blow them up” with the aim of creating a breach in the enclosure “says one on the French side. " The first vehicle bomb exploded while the second carrier could be immobilized ” completes the Malian Ministry of Security.

An important aftershock: 15 terrorists on the mat

The soldiers of MINUSMA and those of the Barkhane force have " repelled attacks inside the compound, neutralizing the attackers "says the French General Staff of the Armed Forces (EMA) in a communicated posted on his facebook page. In all " 15 terrorists were put out of action ". Some of the attackers (two at least) were wearing explosive belts. Reinforcements were immediately committed from Gao and Niamey.

Reinforcements from Niamey and Gao

We had to use great means: a Mirage 2000 patrol” for show of strength and have pictures of the area, "a Tiger helicopter patrol and commandos deployed by NH90 transport helicopter and tactical airlifter “We specify to the EMA. The commitment of Barkhane's resources has allowed " in the first place to secure the airport to allow the evacuation of the wounded " then, " with MINUSMA, to regain control ". " The situation on April 15 morning is stabilized ". Several of the attackers reportedly vanished into thin air.

Barkhane and Minusma camps reached: twenty injured

The exact death toll was initially uncertain for several hours. The French authorities leaving room for doubt. The Malian Ministry of Security was the first to mention the French wounded, around ten on the Barkhane side; 1 dead, 12 injured and five seriously injured on the MINUSMA side. Contacted by B2, Saturday evening and Sunday morning, the general staff of the armed forces initially did not wish to confirm or deny this information, preferring to allow time to confirm the information (1). The Swedish soldiers, also based in Timbuktu (at Minusma's Nobel camp), clearly indicated (via twitter) that they had not been affected. In the end, the balance sheet therefore stands at 1 dead and 10 injured on the side of the blue helmets and " 7 French soldiers injured “, were evacuated to Gao, and supported in particular the role 2 hospital of the French forces (which has a surgical platform).

(Nicolas Gros-Verheyde)

(1) The French army does not generally give a precise assessment until it has all the factual elements (there may also be dual nationalities), the wounded are not 'conditioned' and their condition known, as well as the families notified, if necessary.

NB: the situation in northern and central Mali remains very tense. And the MINUSMA loses a heavy tribute to the maintenance of peace (more than 100 dead in the ranks of blue helmets). Read also:

Paper completed on 14.4 in the night (with report from the Malian ministry) and 15.4 in the morning with the first French response, and on 15.4 at the end of the afternoon with the more concrete elements (French report, nature of the reply, report on the side attackers)

Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).
