Resumption of content and Copyright
(B2) The texts published on "Bruxelles2" are covered by copyright.
- You can read them at your leisure.
- You can quote an extract and reference them in a media, memory, etc. A condition : quote the source “Brussels2” or “B2” and the link (for websites)
- You can even integrate un article. Three conditions : mention the source “Brussels2” or “B2” + signature of the author of the article + for websites the link.
- This authorization to take back an article does not mean the systematic taking back of several articles. Any reproduction or wider use, on any media (online, written, press agencies, etc.), whatever the medium (press article, website, press review, academic work) requires permission from us.
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As a reminder, the Intellectual Property Code provides as follows:
Article L122-4 — Any representation or reproduction in whole or in part made without the consent of the author or his successors in title or assigns is unlawful. The same applies to translation, adaptation or transformation, arrangement or reproduction by any art or process whatsoever.
Article L122-5 — When the work has been disclosed, the author may not prohibit: [...]
3° Provided that it is indicated clearly the name of the author and the source :
a) Analyzes and short quotations justified by the critical, polemical, educational, scientific or informative nature of the work in which they are incorporated; [...]
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