B2 Brussels2 The Blog

Political and defence Europe (by Nicolas Gros-Verheyde)

Reader's guide: managing your password, email alerts, tips and tricks

Some answers to your questions


How to remember your password?

1° Click on the box "Remember me" which appears during the connection. 2° Some systems also require that you confirm the registration of this password in your computer key system. It will then be registered. When you enter your identifier (username) or your Email, or the first letters of it, the password (Password) will then be applied automatically.

NB: This device may not work on secure group servers, which neutralize any recording of personal passwords.

Password not working?

If the (old) password does not work, you can initialize a new one on the automatic module here. You can also go to the login page, and click on "forgot password": the password will then be reset and an email will be sent to you.

NB: If this email does not reach you within a few minutes, check your spam or "junk" folder, it may have slipped there. If the error persists, it may be due to: a technical error... or quite simply the expiry of your subscription. In this case do not hesitate to contact us us.

How do I change my password / email address?

Go to Your profile - and you can normally change your password

Profile Menu Password

Notification of articles (mail alerts)

A notification goes to your e-mail for each article published.

If you no longer want to receive them, simply click on the link "unsubscribe" which appears at the bottom of the alert emails. You will normally no longer receive them. This has no consequence on your subscription and your access to the articles.

If you no longer receive them, and you want to receive them. You may have clicked by mistake on the link "unsubscribe" alerts. Just find an old alert and click on "manage subscription". If that doesn't work, contact us.

Tips and tricks

How to structure email alerts

Group all the alerts received from B2 into a single folder in your email manager (Gmail, Outlook or Thunderbird), using a filter. Titles are designed in a certain way so that you can build up your database of previously published articles.

Double your alerts

You can also use RSS technology to receive articles directly in your RSS reader or by email, or the PopUp at the bottom of the screen to receive alerts on your mobile phone, tablet or computer.

How to search for an item

The search system implemented on B2 obeys the principles of internet search:

1. If you put several words, with a space, the search gives all the articles which contain one of the words indicated.
Example = ABC = A (Or) B (Or) C

2. To search for an article containing all of the specified words, use the comma (,): Example A, B, C = item containing A (ET) B (ET) C

3. If you are looking for a specific sequence in order, put quotes (" ")
Example: "Permanent structured cooperation" = all the articles containing these words in this order there and this spelling there.

4. If you want to eliminate a term from your search, use the 'minus' sign (-)
Example: A, B -C searches for A and B but not C

Add a “Brussels2” icon directly to your iPhone or iPad screen

  1. Open the “Safari” app
  2. Type on your device the address of the blog: http://www.bruxelles2.eu/
    or that of B2 Pro http://club.bruxelles2.eu/
  3. Once the site page is displayed, touch central icon.
  4. To select " on home screen" in the icons offered at the bottom of the screen.
  5. Enter the name of the icon and press "To add".
  6. You will then find the icon on your home screen. Simply touch it to directly open the “Bruxelles2” or “B2 Pro” site.

Contact us

For any other question, suggestion, or problem, do not hesitate to Contact us
