News Blogmaritime piracy

Four pirates transferred to the Netherlands

The 4 suspects disembarked in Dar Es Salaam during a stopover on November 5 (credit: Dutch Navy)

(B2) Four Somali pirates will be prosecuted for piracy and violence against Dutch troops in the Netherlands. The suspects arrived on Tuesday evening (November 6) at Eindhoven Air Base, via Dar es Salaam where the ship had stopped. They had been intercepted during an operation of the Hr Ms Rotterdam off the coast of Somalia on October 25, during a “ routine check », of a dhow which turned out to be in fact a fishing boat with a Pakistani and Iranian crew captured by the pirates. Nb: the Rotterdam is one of two ships operating on behalf of NATO as part of the anti-piracy operation Ocean Shield.

Read also: Dutch navy operation near the Somali coast

Rather eventful operation

During the military intervention, the dhow caught fire. The results, now complete and made official by the Dutch navy: two of the crew members disappeared and another was killed during the exchange of fire (*). The Dutch navy does not specify whether it was a shot by pirates or Dutch soldiers; the investigation could eventually clarify this. Two pirates were injured as well as six sailors. All treated on board the Rotterdam by the on-board medical team. The identification of the suspects was made by the captain of the dhow who recognized six people as pirates. Two of them were quickly released. Because they were minors at the time of the events, specifies the Dutch navy. For the rest, the investigation continues, led by the royal military police, under the authority of the Public Prosecutor's Office.


(*) Which incidentally confirms information given by B2 at the material time – which had not been relayed at the time by most of the media. These having happily mixed the sailors of the boarded crew and the pirates.

Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).