News BlogB2's life

New faces, new sections. Small changes from early 2018 to B2

(B2) With the new year, B2 strengthens and completes its team up. Emmanuelle Stroesser who already collaborated with us, joins the permanent team (part-time). It will ensure institutional monitoring (European Parliament, Commission, etc.), and monitoring of certain subjects (migration, human rights, development). Which will allow Leonor Hubaut, returned to Brussels for another media outlet, to focus on Africa and crisis management (CSDP missions), her specialty when she arrived at B2. While Romain Mielcarek will provide (in Paris, freelance) coverage of “French defense” news, both operationally and industrially.

A theme that has become a priority

This reinforcement is necessary. Our coverage has expanded, both in width and depth. The subjects of European defence, security and diplomacy are today intertwined and have become a European priority. When B2 was created, almost ten years ago, the CSDP was viewed with sympathy, but it was not considered a political priority by the community authorities, especially as the euro zone crisis quickly took hold. the top. If we defined ten priorities, for sure… she was the eleventh. Today, no one disputes that it is one of the three main priorities of the moment. Those who previously smiled with commiseration are now hastening to organize numerous symposiums and conferences to demonstrate their knowledge. B2 with its three editions, general public (the blog), educational (Quezako) and professional (B2 Pro), therefore had to expand its team. And it's not over... Other recruitments are underway.

New sections, new chronicles

B2 is also expanding its cover canvas and its sections. So the Watch book which ensures for our members and subscribers regular monitoring of all subjects that we have not been able to deal with elsewhere, as well as the publication of more confidential information occurs on a tri-weekly basis, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday mornings (on a regular basis normal). We now welcome in our section Carte Blanche outside columnists, such as Jean-Guy Giraud (read: Enlargement to the Balkans: the bridge too far?) or Frédéric Mauro (read: Permanent Structured Cooperation: let's stop talking about it. Let's do it!). Sections have also been added to existing ones, reflecting the evolution of defense: PESCO on permanent structured cooperation or Defense research.

Books to complete

On the editorial side, our little brother the editions of Villard took off, after the publication of a first work, the 'famous' manuel on European security and defense policy, we expect the publication of one or two more books this year, including one on the EU anti-piracy operation.

Thank you to all those who believed and believe in us, who guide us, encourage us, support us every day, who believe that we can create an independent media, in French, and to all the others... Top hearts !

(Nicolas Gros-Verheyde)

Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).