News BlogEEAS High Representative

Europe is going to have “its” special representative for Human Rights. To do what ?

(BRUSSELS2 to Copenhagen) EU foreign ministers have approved the idea of ​​creating a post of special representative for human rights. The mandate has begun to be examined in the working groups, notably in the COPS, the Political and Security Committee. And the objective is to lead, in June, to an appointment.

This special representative will have a double mission, both symbolic and diplomatic. It's a " important signal sent, a diplomat told B2. It is a question of being able to “raise the question of human rights” within the diplomatic service, as within the European Union, and to federate energies. Third countries will thus be able to have a high-level referent within the European Union on these issues. But, above all, it will be able to forge links, alliances, both bilaterally and multilaterally. Some countries are evolving on these issues: South Africa, on the status of homosexuals for example (a delicate subject in Africa); Brazil, with the new president, also wants to reinforce this subject... The special representative will also have an important work with the international institutions in charge of these questions (UN, ...) and NGOs.

This post is not supposed to be the role of a "human rights commissioner" capable of expressing slightly stronger positions. He will have to " naturally reflect the position defined within the European Union ". It could not therefore express a more decided point of view on the questions of sensitive minorities, for example that of the Tibetans in China, than that defended today over the communications of the European Union. But it will be an important interlocutor for NGOs, minorities or opposition movements, if necessary. In a way, a door for the voiceless. This special representative will concentrate on the situation in third countries, and not within the European Union (this is a point that had been discussed between diplomats).

As for the name, none has circulated for the moment. But it seems certain that the northern countries (Denmark, Finland, Sweden, etc.) will have the palm of this post. What seems to be taking shape is that this special representative should not have the profile of a classic diplomat. He will have to have a serious political stuff. Otherwise " there is no point in creating this post which is precisely intended to demonstrate the pre-eminence of the subject for Europeans explained a Nordic diplomat. The French could also have a candidate. But what several countries - including France - want is to first discuss the substance, the strategy before starting to consider names.

Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).
