Automobile crisis, the Regions say: get moving and stop DIY!
(article published in Ouest-France, February 14)
Joint pressure. The regions are seeing the first effects of the automobile crisis and are suffering from it. Not just in France. But also in Germany, Spain, the United Kingdom or Poland. Also the initiative of Jean-Yves Le Drian, the president of the Brittany Region, to create an intergroup within the Committee of the Regions met with the immediate assent of around thirty regions. “We expected around fifteen, it was double. And others should join us,” explains someone close to the Breton. Objective : " act together explains Le Drian. " We must avoid everyone going separately to see the commissioner responsible for training, industry, regional policy to negotiate on their behalf. ". The regions are at the forefront.
A message for the Commission and the government. The message from the thirty regions is direct and double-edged. At the European Commission, they say “get moving”. " The crisis is violent and long-lasting. We must act quickly ". The 30 regions are thus asking José-Manuel Barroso to reform the European Globalization Adjustment Fund so that it can react more quickly and to simplify the system of European subsidies. To the governments of the 27, the regions warn: “ Stop doing DIY, everyone in your corner. Measure the magnitude of the disaster. And let's prepare together the new order of ecomobility. A bit like Obama did in the United States. explains Le Drian. And to add: We need a European plan to
the automobile industry ».
Granting aid to businesses by imposing a condition linked to employment is logical. As for the quarrel over protectionism which has violently opposed the Czech Republic and France, the regions have not yet taken sides. But the president of the Brittany region considers " that it is not illogical to Impose certain employment-related quid pro quos on
the company that receives aid. And that public money is allocated to industrial employment in its territory. “A statement disputed by the spokesperson for the European Commission interviewed by Ouest-France: this type of clause” is contrary to the principle of free movement of the Treaty ».