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React or shrink? This is Europe's dilemma, according to Nicolas Sarkozy

(credit: Elysée / L. Bvennnec)

(BRUSSELS2) Nicolas Sarkozy had already affirmed it last year, in his speech to the ambassadors (of France), Europe must be more ambitious. He drove the point home this year in front of the same ambassadors, in a different way: the risk of a strategic weakening of Europe. Drawing lessons from the operation in Libya, he staunchly defended the interest of France's reintegration into NATO as well as the commitment in Afghanistan. But most of his remarks were linked to developments in the Arab world, to the spring, to the revolution. Sarkozy has backed recognition of the Palestinian state, advocates a change in the negotiation of the Middle East peace process and warns Syria: next on the list. And he announces a series of proposals

The threat of strategic shrinkage

« Europe is threatened with “strategic shrinkage”. What do we see? A continued decline in defense efforts; the invocation of a “soft power” which serves as a screen for renunciation; and, too often, blindness to threats. But the world is changing. “The new vision of the American military engagement presented by Obama” implies that Europeans assume more of their responsibilities. (...) There will be no defense worthy of the name in Europe without robust military capabilities and real industrial and technological policies. " he added.

The Franco-British agreement is exemplary but remains an isolated model. " France and the United Kingdom alone represent half of the budgets and 2/3 of defense research. United as ever since the Lancaster House Treaty, our two countries are practically the only ones in Europe to reach the standard of 2% of GDP devoted to defence. »

The first European weapon: the Euro

However, this should not be denied. The struggle for European power is primarily economic. " In order to carry all its political weight in world affairs, the European Union must first of all remain its leading economic power. And President Sarkozy to defend all the interests of the Euro zone.

« The euro is a major issue: let's not forget that it represents almost 30% of the world's foreign exchange reserves. In 10 years, it has established itself as a strong and stable currency. The euro zone is not the sick man that some people describe to us, but a zone of wealth and prosperity; an essential pole of the world economy; a mobilizing project which structures European construction. »

By the way, Sarkozy also defended the French position on Schengen. " We must strengthen European instruments, such as Frontex. An effective inspection system must be put in place. It is necessary to be able to reestablish controls at the borders of a State if it is unable to ensure the guard of its portion of the external border.

The reintegration of France into NATO: useful

It is the recent example of Libya which serves as a model for the President. " NATO has proven to be an indispensable tool in the service of our military operations. The United States not wishing to make a strong commitment in Libya, for the first time since 1949 NATO has put itself at the service of a coalition led by two determined European countries, France and the United Kingdom. It was because we had regained our full place in the integrated command that this was possible. "" In this crisis, through the initiative of France and the United Kingdom, the Europeans demonstrated for the first time that they were capable of intervening decisively, with their allies, in an open conflict on their doorstep. This is a remarkable improvement over the wars in Bosnia and Kosovo »

Engagement in Afghanistan: necessary

President Sarkozy repeated his antiphon: the Taliban are losing ground. " Aware that they can no longer prevail militarily on the ground, the Taliban are increasingly resorting to terrorist acts. » (*) And to specify « They strike blindly and hope to get us to give up. We will not give up. The transition decided by the Afghans and the 48 countries of the coalition will be implemented. It will profoundly change the form of our commitment to the Afghan people, which will remain essential »

This will not be the end of the fight against terrorism, specifies the president: “Progress in Afghanistan does not mark the end of the terrorist threat. Bin Laden's death is a great victory for which President Obama is to be congratulated. But Al Qaeda, even weakened, remains present. This is particularly true in Pakistan, whose development is worrying. This is also true in the Arab world and in Africa. Vigilance is more necessary than ever. »

The Palestinian state is yes. And Europe must speak with one voice

« The only real security is peace. It is first by the creation of the Palestinian State that we will obtain it. And Israel, whose right to existence and to security is imprescriptible, will be its first beneficiary. "" In case of failure, in a few weeks in New York, the Member States of the United Nations will have to decide on the State of Palestine. I would like the 27 countries of the European Union to speak with one voice, and that together we assume our responsibilities. (...) ».

Change the trading method the middle east peace process

This peace process isat an impasse “, Sarkozy affirms it. But it also underlines a problem, which remained underlying, commented on in diplomatic circles, but rarely in public. " The method of negotiation (...) must change. The role of the United States is indisputable and irreplaceable, but everyone can see that it is not sufficient. We must widen the circle of negotiation, reflect on the role and relevance of the Quartet, give everyone their rightful place with regard to their relations with the parties. Let's keep in mind that the European Union is Israel's main economic partner and the main donor of aid to the Palestinians.. "

Faced with the revolutions in the Arab world, The time has come to relaunch and rebuild the UPM and France will present its proposals to its partners in the coming weeks. The deadlock in the peace process should not prevent the UPM from being the engine of a real renaissance in the Mediterranean. »

 And the massacres in Syria?

« I regret that the Security Council still does not assume its responsibilities in the face of the Syrian tragedy. But the power in Damascus would be wrong to believe that it is protected from its own people. The Syrian President has committed the irreparable. France, with its partners, will do everything that is legally possible to ensure that the aspirations of the Syrian people to freedom and democracy triumph.

  • Busy back-to-school homework
  • The French president is not stingy with announcements on certain initiatives or to come from France to its European and international partners. Let us mention: the UPM; the negotiation process in the Middle East; the global financial system (reinforcement of IMF reserves, regulation of capital flows); the financial transaction tax (in September together with Chancellor Merkel)

(*) About which one can be dubious. I will come back

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Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).
