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162 NGOs challenge the EU on its management of the migration crisis

(Credit: Amnesty International)

(B2)" Your decisions have life and death consequences, and if you continue to lower standards, countries around the world will follow suit. »

In letter dated March 8, 162 NGOs remind the European institutions of their " responsibility to manage migration fairly and address legitimate concerns of citizens. [...] Only a Europe that truly respects its values ​​can be a strong and credible leader in a world shaken by the increase in populism and by so-called alternative facts. »

Do not push back migrants at European borders

« Sf the EU and its Member States want to remain credible international actors, they cannot expect countries like Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon to host millions of refugees and simultaneously push migrants and refugees to EU borders, Greece, or an uncontrolled conflict zone like Libya. »

The EU must open legal channels of entry

« We expect long-term, sustainable migration policies that ensure respect for people's rights rather than putting them at risk. These include expanding safe and regular pathways to Europe, such as humanitarian and other visas, increasing resettlement spaces and improving access to family reunification schemes, as well as improving worker mobility between skill levels. »


Leonor Hubaut

© B2 - Bruxelles2 is a French online media that focuses on political Europe (powers, defence, foreign policy, internal security). It follows and analyzes developments in European policy, unvarnished and without concessions. Approved by the CPPAP. Member of SPIIL. Please quote "B2" or "Bruxelles2" in case of recovery Leonor Hubaut is a journalist. Graduated in international relations from the Free University of Brussels (specialization in globalization). She covers for B2 the work of the European Parliament, CSDP missions and African issues. Sahel specialist.
