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Federica Mogherini too absent from Commission meetings? Fortunately !

Between Mogherini and Hahn, a certain complicity (credit: CUE)
Between Mogherini and Hahn, a certain complicity (credit: CUE)

(B2) This is the observation of our online media colleagues Politico, who carried out a work of Benedictines. Using the (official) attendance lists, they checked everyone's attendance, meeting by meeting. Verdict: the Vice-President of the Commission, Federica Mogherini, comes out at the bottom of this ranking (68% presence), just behind the Commissioner in charge of the Neighborhood Johannes Hahn (72% presence). Conversely, President Jean-Claude Juncker has only two absences on the clock, just behind … the best student: the Belgian Marianne Thyssen (Social Affairs), who has only been absent once. Enough to deny some gossip that underlines the absences of the Luxembourger.

A very justified absence

The result on the two external relations commissioners is not very surprising. Traveling abroad is their obligation! Federica Mogherini also has the role of High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and of chairing the meetings of the Foreign Affairs Council, as well as being present at the meetings of the European Council. An "impossible job". Seeing them absent from Commission meetings from time to time (1 out of 3) is rather a reassuring sign. A studious presence, all the time in Brussels, would be worrying, while the neighborhood is on the rise and there are a series of international issues to settle (Iran, Libya, Russia, etc.).

A real commitment at the limit of physical condition

For B2, who closely follows European diplomatic activity, we cannot say that the former Italian foreign minister is skimping on the task. Federica Mogherini thus chaired all the meetings of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, as of Defense, without any exception, according to our observation. Which is a big change from her predecessor, Catherine Ashton. She assured, without complaining, most of the international meetings in New York, in Vienna, on Syria, on Libya, on Iran, etc. On a personal level — this is a point that is often overlooked — she is one of the rare Commissioners to have moved her family to Brussels (it was this summer). Can't really ask for more. Before Christmas, fatigue was clearly visible on the face of the High Representative.

We cannot require Europe to be present in the world, and to be present at the same time at all the meetings in Brussels. Prosecuting the absences of the High Representative from Commission meetings is therefore a bad trial.

(Nicolas Gros-Verheyde)

NB: The only problem is for their respective countries who rely on "their" commissioner to defend their interests in Brussels. But knowing the chiefs of staff of the two respective commissioners, we can say that the house is well guarded...

Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).

2 thoughts on “Federica Mogherini too absent from Commission meetings? Fortunately !"

  • Jacques Fayette

    Bravo to underline the very important work done by Federica Mogherini, largely ignored by the French media. It is certain that the missions entrusted to the High Representative are overwhelming. We can say thank you.
    A small flat for the article, the commissioners are not appointed to defend the interests of their country in the institutions, it is even prohibited in the treaties since the ECSC.

    • You are absolutely right in the letter. But in spirit, especially after the modification of the draft text of the treaty (1 commissioner per Member State), the commissioner is also there to represent his country (not his government), his tradition, his population, his national perception... is a very significant reality in the Commission. Commissioners are political personalities who are not 'above ground'. It is quite logical and even desirable.

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