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Who will participate in the EUFOR RCA Bangui mission? The dot (SHIFT8)

Both Greece and France have offered their headquarters for the EUFOR RCA Bangui operation. Ministers Venizelos and Fabius in discussion (© Th. Monasse)
Both Greece and France have offered their headquarters for the EUFOR RCA Bangui operation. Ministers Venizelos and Fabius in discussion (© Th. Monasse)

(BRUXELLES2 - exclusive) According to the latest survey carried out by B2, at least 7 countries should contribute to the new military operation of the European Union in "the region of Bangui", EUFOR RCA Bangui.

It is also necessary to distinguish the countries which support the operation (there is almost unanimity) at the political level from those which will contribute. And among these, some will send troops into the field; others will content themselves with sending personnel to the so-called strategic operation headquarters, which will be located in Europe. During the January 20 meeting, many ministers stressed that the agreement of their government and their parliament was necessary before deciding. Hence the sometimes very, very cautious statements.

Read also: The EUFOR RCA mission will remain centered on Bangui. France Framework Nation

What role will France have?

La France offered to be the framework nation for the operation by providing the FHQ (force headquarters), or even if necessary the OHQ (operation headquarters) of Mont-Valérien (which had already been used for the EUFOR Chad operation).

Paris should thus logically provide a significant contribution in personnel and a good part of the General Staff. The principle of a framework nation is to "fill" the gaps that are not covered by other nations and to provide the backbone of the General Staff. Logically, the size of the French contribution should therefore be known last.

La Greece - which currently commands the on-call "battlegroup" (in which Romania, Bulgaria, Cyprus and Ukraine participate) - has offered to make its headquarters in Larissa (located between Athens and Thessaloniki) available. A way like any other to have part of its General Staff financed by the other member countries. This proposal was accepted by the ministers of the "28" on 20 January. Greece could thus provide part of the staff of the headquarters (about 60 people).

Who will be the commander of the operation?

The head of the field force (FHQ) should be a senior French officer (general or even colonel). On the other hand, to command the operation, the head of operation should be of another nationality, as is the custom. It is often a senior officer, from a country that provides a strong participation. It could be a Pole, if the Poles decide, or a German, if we want a Franco-German symbolism, or another. The most likely hypothesis after the Council was to have a Greek operations manager.

Which other countries will or could contribute?

L'Estonia is the country with the clearest position. Tallinn quickly formalized its participation: 55 men and women for the first rotation. A modest participation but which reveals a regular commitment of this Baltic country in EU military operations (*). Estonia confirms notable participation in EUFOR Rca Bangui

La Poland, Slovakia and Czech Republic (Visegrad) are studying a participation which could be common. Polish Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski recalled on Monday that Poland was already contributing directly to the French operation Sangaris with planes and around fifty men. There Slovakia, on the other hand, would contribute to the operation, to the tune of approximately 30-40 soldiers, according to our information. There Hungary however, would not participate according to the latest information obtained in Budapest by B2.

La Sweden is seriously considering a contribution, according to our information. Minister Carl Bildt confirmed this on his arrival in Brussels on Monday (January 20): Sweden will be able to commit and contribute to the operation ". But the Swede is very disappointed not to see the use of "battlegroups" and should tell his colleagues. " We think it would have been pretty obvious to use the EU Battlegroups he writes on his blog. " If we don't use them now, it shows that they are not useful and can never be used. Otherwise, some countries will hesitate to make the significant investments (which this requires) and reduce their commitment. In other words, as he repeated on Monday morning when he arrived at the Council, it is " now or never ».

La Lithuania « considered “seriously a” contribution to the operation “, announced the minister during the meeting. According to our information, Lithuania should also make a C-27J Spartan (intra-theatre) tactical transport plane available to Operation Sangaris for a month from April (the Lithuanian parliament is due to decide in March).

Le Portugal could provide logistical support for around twenty people with an aircraft.

L'Germany would not take part in the mission with ground troops but would lend logistical assistance, in particular aerial assistance. " We must think, as in Mali, of greater possibilities of support. It's part of our responsibility said the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, to the FAZ. " Europe cannot leave France alone ". It is also European interests. " If in black Africa instability, violence and terrorism threaten, there will be consequences in Europe (*). Concretely, Berlin could modify the mandate, allowing planes to land no longer in a neighboring country (Cameroon) but directly in the Central African Republic, as our colleague Thomas Wiegold has indicated. 4 planes could be made available to Europeans (like Misca or Africans). These aircraft are pooled within EATC. German participation could also be at headquarters level.

Those who think... = rather Yes

Several countries have not provided for a contribution as it stands but do not exclude it

La Finland, defined “ no positions yet a Finnish diplomat told B2. " There are different views on participation. And the decision might not be made for a week or more. » they say in Helsinki. A few Finnish officers could however participate in the mission at headquarters, even a group of around twenty soldiers, indicated Foreign Minister Erkki Tuomoja. But it must first be approved by Parliament before any participation recalled the minister during the meeting. It should be noted that the Finnish Defense Minister, Carl Haglund, was Monday in the Netherlands to talk about bilateral cooperation mainly but also about the Central African Republic it seems.

En Latvia, « participation is discussed and possible. Everything must be done in coordination with international actors ».

La Romania has not yet decided anything but could provide a contribution to the operation. The minister confirmed it informally.

For Cyprus, the tendency is, for the moment, not to participate. But, according to certain indications, there is a discussion in Nicosia because there is not unanimity of position. Nb: A change could therefore take place all the more if the headquarters is in Greece.

Those who hesitate: neither yes nor no

La Belgium plays the hesitant that must be convinced. The idea of ​​the commitment of a company (paratroopers if necessary) was swept away by Pieter De Crem, the Minister of Defense, who attended on Saturday the departure of a C-130 Hercules for Gabon in order to lend a hand. strong to the French at Sangaris (a promise made in December. A second plane leaves on Tuesday). " No EU request has been formally addressed to Belgium ". A way of playing on words. Indeed, there was no (formal) force generation conference. But all member states have already been individually tested. Prime Minister Elio di Rupo had however indicated the Belgian conditions at the last European Council in December (no participation if it is not a European operation). But at the Defense, we seem perplexed. The defense budget is, at its tightest, say my Flemish colleagues from the Tomorrow stated, "Wie betaalt de factuur voor de CAR? Defense is virtual bankrupt" (you don't need to be perfect Dutch-speaker to understand ;-). And the pre-election climate is not helping, as a Belgian journalist well versed in the decision-making system confirmed to me. In fact, nothing has been decided yet. And the file has not been submitted to any decision of the kern (the restricted ministerial council) Didier Reynders The replacement of the protection force in the EUTM Mali operation promised by Germany, could allow these countries (Belgium, Spain ) to have troops available for the Central African Republic, perhaps for a possible second rotation.

L'Italy feels. " A priori there should be no contribution. But we never know ventures a diplomat. Italy " is already very engaged in other areas and should not send troops, except possibly at the logistics level added an Italian source during the Foreign Affairs Council. NB: Italy currently has a field hospital pilot project carried out within the framework of the European Defense Agency (read: Europe is beefing up its defence. 11 operational projects). This would be an opportunity to test it... But there are many constraints (operational, financial...) which limit Italian participation which prefers to concentrate on other African terrains (Horn of Africa, Sahel) . And the question of the detention of "Maro" (marines) poisons political life in Rome, which would not like to find itself with a second problem of this type. So it would rather be No.

Those who have not decided anything ... but rather No

L'Austria hasn't decided anything yet. One or two articles on Friday reported a decided participation from Vienna. Categorical denial by a diplomat to B2. " No decision has been made ". What is certain, continues another, is that the coalition government has " decided to increase its participation in external operations ". In fact, Austria could especially increase its contribution to peacekeeping operations in Mali (UN and/or EUTM Mali) and in Kosovo.

L'Spain is silent. A priori, Madrid remains “ rather favorable to bilateral support "to France if Paris makes it the" express request ". Spain has already based a C-130 Hercules in Libreville with a small Air detachment which will shuttle with the Central African Republic. About ten rotations are planned this month. However, the foreign minister is expected to state the government's position at the meeting.

Le Luxembourg could participate. However, no decision has been taken within the government.. It should be noted that the country has decided to take part in the mission in Mali (with the participation of 2 Luxembourg soldiers). An important country for the Grand Duchy which is counting on a revival of cooperation projects, especially in the region of Timbuktu.

Those who do not participate

As it stands, some countries (Netherlands, Bulgaria, United Kingdom, Slovenia, Ireland, Croatia) do not really intend to participate in the operation.

La Bulgaria does not intend to contribute, unless it is within the framework of the battlegroup, which no one thinks of sending...

La Croatia does not intend to send troops for the time being, unless it is in extraordinary situations ". Minister Vesna Pusic confirmed this to our colleagues from the daily Vecernji. " We have our soldiers in several places, and we have focused on the military mission where we have a strong presence, such as Afghanistan, or in areas that we consider our great neighborhood (Balkans, Georgia, etc.).

En Ireland, who are " no sending of troops will be considered before the mission is authorized », by the UN as well as by an EU framework decision. And currently, a participation does not seem " not possible said Foreign Minister Eamon Gilmore on January 20, we are already engaged in the mission in Syria (UN mission in the Golan).

La Slovenia “supports the initiative to deploy an EU mission” - said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Ljubljana. " But due to limited military and financial resources, no contribution is planned. ". However, during the meeting, Minister Erjavec hinted at a possible participation.

(*) Europa can be used in France. (...) Wenn in Schwarzafrika and Subsahara Instabilität, Vertreibung und Terrorismus drohen, deren Folgen in Europa ankommen.

(Updated - Mon 20.01 - 10 a.m., 12 p.m., 13 p.m., 15 p.m., 17 p.m. during the Council of Ministers - Belgium, Ireland, Italy, Sweden, Austria, Croatia, Greece - 21.01: Hungary, Finland, Slovakia, Portugal + reorganization of categories )

Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).
