Brief blog

UNIFIL in the spotlight on July 14

(credit: French Ministry of Defense / DICOD)

(B2) It is the French battalion which recently served as part of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) which should open on July 14 this year. This " to mark France's attachment to the role of the United Nations in the management of global crises “Presides a press release from the President of the Republic.

More generally, troops returning from overseas operations will be in the spotlight ", just like those who " are illustrated daily on the national territory, within the framework of the many missions of safeguard and security ".

Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).
