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EUTM extension approved in July

(BRUSSELS2) On July 18, EU foreign ministers could endorse the decision to extend the Somali military training mission in Uganda (EUTM Somalia). COPS ambassadors, who discussed it recently, seem to agree on the principle and have asked for a new Crisis Management Concept (CMC).

Some reluctance had indeed been expressed by certain ministers in May, in particular that of the Netherlands - who asked to have guarantees on the reintegration of the soldiers - or the United Kingdom - who considered it "premature" to discuss the extension. But the mission has shown its effectiveness. Around 1300 soldiers were trained, 420 non-commissioned officers and around XNUMX junior officers; and the defection rate is lower than expected (*). And the United States which are partners (logistics of the operation) are also satisfied and are pushing for the extension (a message heard in London apparently).

It now remains for the military experts to specify the contours of the mission which would be refocused on a few objectives only: the training of the executives of the new Somali army: junior officers, non-commissioned officers, specialists (against IED or medical). The new mission could start in September-October, for a period of one year, divided into two semesters (as for EUTM I). Some General Staffs have already started to prepare the recruitment of personnel (particularly in Sweden).

No State has yet made an express proposal for a framework nation. But the mission being lighter, if a small command staff is necessary, the role of a framework nation as such is not automatically necessary.

(*) Less than 100 people would have - according to our information - joined their tribal groups (not automatically besides in the Islamic forces).

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Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).

One thought on “EUTM extension approved in July"


    No argument is presented in support of the blissful optimism displayed in this article.
    Thus, when asked what became of the 1300 Somali soldiers trained in Uganda, you answered bluntly that “less than 100 would have joined their tribal groups”.
    Question: But to do what and who are these tribal groups, names and geographical location, PLZ?
    Another remark, do you know that you are the only one to affirm that the EUTM mission is crowned with success and this against the opinion of the observers who are on the ground who estimate the desertion rate close to 60%.

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