News BlogEEAS High Representative

The diplomatic service was “born”. Ashton gathers his ambassadors. And that's all !

You have no doubt realized this. Today is December 1. And the diplomatic service of the European Union is officially in place (Well almost...). Quite a symbol...

The event is highly symbolic. And the High Representative Cathy Ashton had therefore brought together the various ambassadors of the European Union in the world in the large press room of the Berlaymont. They weren't all there (I counted a good score of absentees... I won't mention the names :-)). But the vast majority of the heads of delegation were there to listen to the message of the "chief diplomat" (who therefore never better deserved this name than on that day).

And the event was quite relaxed, according to some of the participants. With an outfit in very flashy colors (she loves it!), but rather elegant (for once! gossips like me will say), Cathy Ashton knew how to charm her world, make her audience smile and even laugh frankly (but shh... we can't say anything secret defense 🙂 In essence his speech was intended to mobilize the troops, to show all the added value that "you" (the ambassadors) can promote in the world, allow the Union to speak a single voice. a service that has 5 strengths (notably representing the 27 countries, with different backgrounds) and 5 challenges before it. Starting with resources. But above all an issue of public interest, as summed up by a of its collaborators: How to show the world the value of service ».

Comment: a new "blunder" from Cathy Ashon?

That is actually the question. And the answer is clear. Yes... If this meeting was prepared, surprisingly, it did not give rise to any press briefing from the High Representative. A few interviews, short, on television to ensure a presence. And that's all. The "minimum service" in a way. The symbol was merely symbolic. And the voice of the European Union... mute. As my Italian colleague Lorenzo Consoli, who is completing his mandate as President of the International Press Association (in Brussels), at IHECS, the Brussels school of journalism, recalled today: “ the Lisbon Treaty created two new positions, with Herman Van Rompuy and Cathy Ashton. These two characters were to be the face and the personification of Europe. These are the two institutions that submit the least to press conferences, give the least answers to journalists. They are content to put a video on their site, believing that it is enough to provide information, without submitting to the game of questions and answers from the press. »

(photo credit: European Commission)

Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).
