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Gas is a weapon, the Russians prove it... It's up to the Europeans to react

(B2) Blocking Russian gas to Ukraine and European countries is a weapon. A weapon literally and figuratively. And the Russians prove it. It is a coup with a strategic aim, on two levels. But also a real opportunity for Europeans. Energy security will be on the menu of an informal Council of 27 on energy security in Prague today.

Usefulness of the crisis for the Russians

1°: Ukraine discredited. The crisis demonstrates that Ukraine is not a reliable partner either for NATO or for the European Union. Difficult today even for the most loyal supporters of the rapprochement between Ukraine and the Western world to work in this direction, after the Ukrainian incompetence. Without having the brutality, nor the total effectiveness of the coup against Georgia, it neutralizes Ukraine's potential candidacy for a few more months.

2°: a warning shot to the Czech Republic and "its" anti-missile shield. Blocking the gas shows the dependence of Eastern European states tempted by an American anti-missile shield (Poland, Czech Republic, even Lithuania...) which irritates (the word is weak!) the Russians. And what a singular coincidence that this crisis bursts just when the Czechs take their all of rotating presidency! They who have signed (but not yet ratified) the installation of a radar with the Americans. This will probably not make the Czechs change their minds. Although the agreement has still not been definitively adopted (the Chamber of Deputies still has to vote on it, normally at the start of February). And above all, at the very moment when the new Obama administration is about to take the reins of power, it is a singular call to order for Russian interests.

Usefulness of the crisis for Europeans

It is urgent to take action. No more procrastination, questioning, alternations... Considering, as the Czech Presidency and the European Commission did in the first hours, that this is only a private dispute, which it is better not to meddling is suicidal.

Europe must be strong not weak. Yes, this is a private dispute - and it doesn't matter who is at fault. But it causes damage to Europeans, and significant damage, especially in the middle of winter. And like any client of a company, he is entitled to respect for his contract. The European Union must therefore get involved in this dispute because it concerns it directly, it is a basic rule of civil and commercial liability before being a political rule. The EU must get involved. Because no one can be fooled by Gazprom's proximity not only to power – the link is organic, it's a state company – but also, and above all, to the FSB – the Russian secret services. What Gasprom decides is what the Kremlin decides. On the Russian side, the dispute is private, the decision is political.

Europe must be daring and not cautious. It is a question of advancing to 27 in terms of diversity, solidarity and energy security. It does not matter that the Treaty of Lisbon which
contains certain clearer provisions is not adopted. The excuse of the insufficiency of the legal bases in the current treaties is a false excuse. An excuse not to act. All legal experts will tell you that a legal basis must be sought, found and, if necessary, interpreted (see detailed review of the possible bases).


(1) To complete one can read or reread the analysis of Pierre Verluise made in October 2006 on EU-Russia trade relations and the use of Gazprom by the government

Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).

One thought on “Gas is a weapon, the Russians prove it... It's up to the Europeans to react"

  • Hello,

    “Gazprom” is a prestigious, successful and forward-looking group. It is a group at the service of Russia and its citizens and not just at the service of money or shareholders. Like a majority of Russians, I am very proud of this group which does a lot to improve our daily lives. I don't think that “GDF Suez” is in the service of Portugal and that no one from the French services works there…

    I note that the Germans want even more forcefully the entry into service of the “Nord Stream” gas pipeline. They will receive the gas directly from Russia and they will thus be protected from Ukrainian blackmail. The Germans know who is responsible for the current situation. “Never mind who is at fault” is a phrase commonly used when it comes to not acknowledging that Russia is right.

    Europeans are not obliged to buy Russian gas. And frankly, when you see the comments and the attitudes, why do Europeans continue to buy from Russia? Because I assure you that for Russian gas, there are many customers. For example, gas from the Shtokman gas field can be sold to the United States. Asia is also a very interesting market and there is no Ukraine-style transit country. So above all, do not hesitate. No one in Russia will miss European customers. And there will always be the Germans.

    I invite you to read the report of the meeting between Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and the foreign press on January 08th. The answers are very clear. Available in English at the following address:


    Ilya Kanak

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