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Charter of fundamental rights. New Polish Psychodrama

The ratification of the Treaty of Lisbon in Poland at the Diet is currently giving rise in Warsaw to a psychodrama of which the Polish political scene has the secret. The government majority —
Civic Platform (PO) and Peasant Party (PSL) — even with the left (LiD), in fact lacks a few votes to have the necessary 2/3 of the votes
s to ratify the law ratifying the Treaty. And the PiS opposition
(Law and Justice) of the Kaczynski brothers — one of whom, Lech, is still President of the Republic (see photo) — took this ratification hostage. Negotiations have started with the PO
(civic platform), the party in government Tusk. 

Le Pis n’a d’ailleurs jamais vraiment aimé la Charte des droits fondamentaux et a tout fait pour en limiter son application en Pologne, invoquant souvent des raisons qui n’ont rien à voir avec ce
text, such as the right to marriage for homosexuals or the return of property to Germans who previously resided on Polish territory (see
previous Article
). The PiS thus makes its agreement to the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty dependent on the adoption of a preamble reaffirming the
"sovereignty" of Poland in certain areas (political, ethical, cultural) and guaranteeing that Poland cannot renounce either the "Ioannina mechanism" facilitating the blocking of
decisions of the EU, nor to the "protocol" limiting the application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights, without the agreement of the four main political actors (Diet, Senate, President and Prime

Lech Kazscinski s’est fait un petit délire lors d’un spot enregistré à la présidence de la république : sur un air de musique emprunté d’un feuilleton télévisé sur la 2e guerre mondiale, et
accompanied by flashes showing a homosexual marriage (see around 2mn30 sec) and a map of Germany from 1914 (see around 2nd minute), supposed to illustrate possible claims
Germany, with which Poland would be threatened if it gave up its opt-out formula of the Charter of Fundamental Rights (see the video herethe).

During a debate at the Diet, former Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski, did not have harsh enough words on this Treaty – negotiated however
when he was in power - declaring that his party "would never allow Poland to become a voivodship of the Union". A tough stance justified by internal political conditions
according to observers. The PiS is indeed put to the test by its right wing. Several deputies led by Marek Jurek, under the influence of Father Rydzyk (Radio Maryja, which sometimes drifts
extremists) thus announced at the end of last week that they could leave the PiS and form a new party, to its right.

The PO is ready to organize a referendum, if the PiS does not give in on the issue of the preamble. This was confirmed to the Polish press by Slawomir Nowak, head of the Prime Minister's political cabinet
minister: “if the PiS votes against, we will organize a referendum”. A threat that should make the PiS think. 71% of Poles now approve of their country's entry into the EU. And
the latest polls give a clear advantage to the PO (60%), “record level, never reached, while the popularity of the PiS is decreasing (23%). The left and the peasant party (PSL) have regressed,
8% and 5% respectively.

The PiS itself is split on the issue. During a vote in the Diet on Thursday March 13 in a resolution for the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty by parliamentary means, 55 deputies of the PiS
voted for the holding of a national referendum while 89 voted for the parliamentary vote. The resolution brought the support of 357 deputies (192 deputies from the PO, 45 from the LiD and one
majority of the PSL (26).

Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).