Prerogatives of trade unions limited in the Czech Republic
The Czech Constitutional Court has decided. Referred to by the Chambers of Commerce which contested certain provisions of the Labor Code giving certain powers to the unions, it
given partly right. The judgment delivered on March 11 thus deletes eleven articles, which, according to the Czech media, concern fundamental provisions. Unions will therefore no longer be able
prohibit employees from performing work that would harm their health. They will no longer be able to prohibit night work for the same reason. If trade unionists from various organizations do not
do not agree on the same workplace, the employer will no longer be required to conclude the collective agreement with the most powerful trade union organisation.
The new labor code was adopted in October 2006, with strong support from trade unions under the Social Democratic government. Highly criticized by right-wing deputies, he had come up against
to the refusal of the Senate and veto of the President of the Republic. The current government (right - green) is also preparing an amendment to the Labor Code which is in line with the Court's judgment
Constitutional and withdraws certain prerogatives from trade unions.