Central Southern AfricaMissions Operations

Central African Republic. The Europeans are coming, a little… (Maj2)

loading armored vehicles (credit: French Ministry of Defence)
loading armored vehicles (credit: French Ministry of Defence)

(BRUSSELS2 - exclusive) The United Kingdom with its C-17 will have been the first and fastest alongside France to provide assistance in strategic transport logistics. An effort from London that must be welcomed because it is currently the only one but that must also be put into perspective. Because this beautiful gesture also hides a stab in the back.

Planes but no ground forces

A few days before, the government of David Cameron had, in fact, literally torpedoed the sending of a battlegroup (European battle group). The idea had been put forward by the European Diplomatic Service. The British made a "pull" and reduced the initiative to ashes. Out of the question to have a British soldier on Central African soil. And an additional intervention. On the side of the services of the High Representative, also British, Lady Ashton, we are obviously discreet about this descent into flames. But it is a reality that must be taken into account today in Europe. When the United Kingdom takes its turn in a European battlegroup, it will remain on the ground. London wants to show its solidarity, to be active militarily, alongside other Europeans, possibly, but bilaterally, even multilaterally. He intends to keep his full and complete freedom of action and, above all, without having a star-spangled flag covering him.

Other European countries could come to support the French. But they are not many. Because several of them still have to assume the withdrawal from Afghanistan. And others are heavily involved in the Philippines. With the end of the year, the "budgetary" lengthen a pout as soon as we speak of an external operation.

Support from Germany

L'Germany should be the most notable European contribution. And this “very quickly”. Defense Minister De Maizières confirmed this in a telephone conversation with his French counterpart, Jean-Yves Le Drian, today (9 December). Strategic means of transport (Airbus A310 type) will be made available to bring equipment and/or men to N'Djamena (Chad) or Libreville (Gabon). Germany would also have offered supply ships. But, unlike in Mali, where Operation Serval was "greedy" for supplies, due to numerous surveillance raids and bombardments by fighter planes, the configuration of the operation in the Central African Republic is totally different and this offer did not not been accepted so far. (update) The German Chancellor confirmed on Wednesday (December 11) the availability of a transport plane for medical evacuation purposes (Medevac).

To those who sneer..., it should be remembered that if it came quite late, German support for Operation Serval in Mali was significant: nearly 2000 flight hours, or at least around 20 million euros. This is not the amount committed by France for overseas operations. But it's always that less!

Three countries in the starting blocks

La Belgium should follow - the government has yet to decide, but these planes could fly to Bangui. I'Spain think about it seriously too. A new country could emerge. The Poland, which has tactical transport aircraft C-130, could make them available to Operation Sangaris, without really caveat. Which is very useful. Warsaw is considering going further, even, and engaging some ground elements. We remember that the two Polish and French ministers recently signed an agreement for the training of special forces. If this (air) commitment were confirmed, it would be a notable effort. The country does not have the habit of evolving on the African terrain. The only exception dates from 2008 when Warsaw committed a battalion to the EUFOR Tchad operation.

Americans in limited support

The United States confirmed this Monday (December 9) by the voice of the spokesman of the Ministry of Defense, their participation, limited for the moment. Chuck Hagel, the Minister of Defence, thus promised Jean-Yves Le Drian the provision of US Africom C-17 planes which will ferry African MISCA soldiers from Burundi to the Central African Republic. (Maj2) Two C-17 Globemaster IIIs arrived in Burundi on Thursday morning to transport a battalion of light infantry. And the United States has confirmed the release of an additional $60 million for Misca and transport, or $100 million.

Other countries have been tested: Denmark - usual support for "at risk" operations - is very busy with Afghanistan. I'Italy has budget problems and is concerned about her internal political situation, " complex ". The Netherlands reflect.

(Updates) 11 Dec. and 12 Dec.

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Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).

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