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The "new Arab revolution", subject of the European summit?

The January uprisings in the Arab world should be discussed at the European summit. The subject is not on the agenda since the meeting of Heads of State and Government scheduled for a long time in Brussels (February 4) was informal and was to be devoted to energy and innovation. But the question of the earthquake which is shaking the Arab world, Egypt in particular, should "rise" at the European Summit. " Everything will depend on today's situation, but experience speaks for itself. I don't see how this topic can't not be brought up." confided a diplomat stationed in Brussels.

(update) " Democratic progress in Egypt and Tunisia will of course be on the agenda of the European summit “Confirmed Wednesday the President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy. " " We want to support and accompany the fast-moving transition in the best and most effective way. These countries are not only our geographic neighbours, they they also share common values ​​to help shape a larger community”.

A more complete reflection to come between Ministers of Foreign Affairs

In addition to the usual declarations, at the beginning or at the end of the session, the 27 could kick off a more general reflection. A reflection that will continue at the next Foreign Affairs Council.

The discussion between the foreign ministers on Monday was indeed very extensive. " 2 hours of intense discussions where everyone was able to express themselves says a European diplomat. But it was not enough. Because other events have occurred in the meantime, in particular the monster demonstration in the cities of Egypt which signals the end of the Mubarak regime. The reflection will continue.

Overhaul the European mechanisms towards the Mediterranean

For the French Minister for Foreign Affairs, Michèle Alliot-Marie, who spoke yesterday in front of the journalists, the reflection must be situated at " three levels and in three stages. An immediate reflection on the countries which are now in crisis, for which there must be action by the EU. We must strengthen our solidarity and our cooperation with the countries of the southern Mediterranean, we must therefore think about harmonizing the various instruments and processes of action (such as the 5+5 group, the Union for the Mediterranean, etc.). Finally, we need a more global reflection on the EU's relations with other countries other than the southern Mediterranean... We will surely have other sessions devoted to this issue! she concluded.

Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).

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