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The release of hostages in Burkina Faso: rigor and audacity. The details of the operation (Gen. Lecointre) (V2)

(credit: Denniel / French Navy)

(B2) The operation to free the two French hostages Patrick Picque and Laurent Lassimouillas in Burkina Faso was " of great complexity, regulated like extremely fine clockwork says the French Chief of Staff, François Lecointre. The given details prove it 

This effort to free the hostages is not a first. France has a habit of releasing its nationals, if necessary by force, far from the borders (Read France never abandons its nationals. Audacity and training)

Rigor and audacity

The intervention of the French forces to free the hostages was " remarkable in the firm sophistication of the setting up of the operation and the seizing of opportunities, on the basis of a very rigorous reasoning and a very fine planning, with the audacity which absolutely had to prevail because the opportunity presented itself [then] and would not have shown up the next day indicated General Lecointre, during a press conference organized on Friday (May 10), detailing all the phases of this operation.

An intervention initiated very early by intelligence

The operation began the day after the hostages were taken. " As soon as the disappearance of the two Frenchmen was announced, there was the establishment […] of a set of means which make it possible to acquire intelligence. “The French forces of Operation Barkhane, the military intelligence directorate, with the support of our American allies” have been put to use in close liaison with the Burkinabés ". Means " supplemented by a discreet operation carried out on May 7, five days after the hostage-taking, by the French special forces, making it possible to clarify the information and to establish a very precise hunt ».

The kidnappers near the Mali border

At the moment, " the kidnappers are gradually taking the hostages to the north of Burkina Faso, to the border with Mali ". The whole " over an area the size of half of France. " Information " take the measure of a risk, even more the organization undoubtedly of the transfer of the hostages towards another terrorist organization which acts in Mali, the Katiba Macina, with the risk that it becomes absolutely impossible to carry out any operation of release hostages ". As long as " the convoy moves, it was impossible to act ". The French then decide to wait for the right moment: a stopover for the convoy.

The decisive moment of intervention

Thursday (May 9), it is confirmed that the kidnappers made a stop, still in Burkinabe territory, the last possibility available to the French to intervene. The President of the Republic is warned. Emanuel Macron valid » the plan of operation. The order is then given to Admiral Isnard, who is in charge of the special operations command, to go there. General Lecointre then reports to the Minister of the Armed Forces.

A highly complex operation

This operation begins with the installation, in anticipation, surgical resources from the front (committed from France), allowing the treatment of the wounded; logistical means to have supply plots; helicopter means allowing the evacuation of personnel and hostages once released and, finally, the establishment of commandos ».

A night infiltration

Then comes the moment of the intervention. The goals are specific. These are four shelters. The special forces commandos, about twenty soldiers, " infiltrate thus, in dark night, progressing on 200 meters, with open ground, in an absolute silence. A sentry who was watching did not detect them. “The commandos then enter” in the shelters, without opening fire".

Special forces are on the attack

The moment they are detected, " they are about ten meters away. They hear the terrorists cocking their weapons. They decide to go on the attack, still without using arms, to be sure not to cause any losses among the hostages, or the civilians or families of the terrorists who would be present in the camp.. "It was during this penetration into" two of these shelters, that the two marine commandos were killed at very close range [at close range] by two of the kidnappers ».

Burkinabe and American support

There was a " very fine coordination with the Burkinabés who participated in the logistical support ". In particular, they ensured the guarding of the various supply plots set up to allow the progress of the commandos. The American forces, on the other hand, provided support essentially by information "as they do" regularly appear in this operation in the Sahel, with no doubt drones (Reaper type), IST type means (Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance). They " did not intervene in the release strictly speaking hostages “said the Minister of the Armed Forces Florence Parly.


Six kidnappers: six killed or four killed?

The kidnappers were six in number according to the French authorities. But the final balance sheet remains contradictory. The authorities claimed two versions. " The kidnappers who tried to escape were shot. And among the kidnappers who tried to engage the fight four of them were killed first indicated General Lecointre. Then in the same press conference, he specifies that two kidnappers " had fled and four were killed. Version of the Minister of the Armed Forces, Florence Parly.

Download the consist of of the press conference

Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).
