EU Defense (Doctrine)B2's life

The European defense toolbox is about to appear. 98 pages to know everything!

European defense policy, its advances, its difficulties, its assets or its failures, explained step by step...

Two emotional political years

Does European defense have a future? Is NATO obsolete? What does strategic autonomy mean? What will the defense fund, the new peace facility, be used for? Where are the European soldiers deployed? Are battlegroups outdated? Will a European HQ see the light of day? How much do NATO countries spend on their defence?...

A complete overview

Designed by B2 journalists, who follow European geopolitical news, this book traces the latest developments in European defense policy: from doctrine to missions and operations, including institutions, political leaders, instruments financial and industrial cooperation... no less than 50 themes are covered.

A book to read cover to cover... or to skim

“Despite a (health) crisis of unprecedented magnitude, this book confirms that we have not eased off at European level in the field of defence” explains Josep Borrell, the High Representative of the Union (the head of European diplomacy), who signs the preface.

"We wanted to dissect all the novelties by the menu, without taboo, without concession…", explains Nicolas Gros-Verheyde, co-author of the book and editor-in-chief of the online media B2. "But keeping what makes the advantage of a website, its side accessible to all, its ability to draw one or more specific items".

To go further than current events

A complement to the daily information feed developed by B2, which has become the first online media on geopolitical Europe, and to the manual on 'The Common European Security and Defense Policy' (500 pages, 2017). A stone's throw from the French presidency of the EU in the first half of 2022, this is essential reading to understand the challenges of tomorrow.

Publication: May 25, 2021

Price: EUR 10

Editions du Villard

Available on the internet - PDF format - Orderable and downloadable on the internet from 25 May.

Authors: Nicolas Gros-Verheyde, with Leonor Hubaut, Aurélie Pugnet, Emmanuelle Stroesser. Preface: Josep Borrell. Afterword: André Dumoulin.

About B2 - Brussels2

Created in 2008 by Nicolas Gros-Verheyde (former auditor at the IHEDN, Sud-Ouest correspondent for the EU and NATO), B2 Bruxelles2 is the only French-language media dedicated to geopolitical Europe. It offers three editions: a blog free access, a professional site B2 Pro (members and subscribers) and a educational edition. Online media, it is approved for 'political and general information' by the CPPAP (France), B2 has produced more than 16.000 articles and has more than 10.000 daily readers in France, Europe and around the world. It employs four professional journalists and is supported by an association law 1901 (ASBL).

B2 Writing

© B2 - Bruxelles2 is a French online media that focuses on political Europe (powers, defence, foreign policy, internal security). It follows and analyzes developments in European policy, unvarnished and without concessions. Approved by the CPPAP. Member of SPIIL. Please quote "B2" or "Bruxelles2" in case of recovery
