MSF refuses European funds. For reasons of conscience
(B2) The NGO "Médecins sans frontières" has decided to refuse grants from the European Commission and EU Member States from now on. A rare fact and symptomatic of a certain crisis of conscience!
Usually, NGOs and international organizations run after European funds, which are appreciated because they are substantial, regular and without political compensation. The denial of grants is usually quite common when it comes to countries or organizations either compromised in practices not up to international standards, or because they place extraordinary conditions on the delivery of aid. humanitarian or development aid.
She thus intends to protest against the EU-Greece-Turkey agreement aimed at limiting the flow of refugees arriving on the continent, but not only. For'NGO humanitarian organization founded in 1971, it is also a question of marking its very clear refusal against the extension of this type of agreement to other countries, particularly in Africa, as the European Union proposed last week ( a proposal from the European Commission which responds to requests from Member States).
The amounts involved are not negligible. In all 62,8 million euros. In 2015, the NGO received 19 million euros from the institutions, 37 million from the Member States to 37 million euros + the partnerships committed in several countries in combination with ECHO, the humanitarian office of the Commission.