Renewing our commitment to CSDP (C. Ashton)
(BRUSSELS2) The High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs sent Herman Van Rompuy her report on the Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP) at the end of the week. Report which will be one of the contributions to the European summit in December devoted to this subject with the communication from the European Commission published in July. " This debate between Heads of State and Government comes just about writes Lady Ashton in her cover letter, which she kindly sent to us, together with the report (this will be detailed in the Club).
European interdependence is a fact
“The changing geostrategic context, increasing security challenges and continued cuts to national defense budgets – as other parts of the world increase spending – point to the need for a strategic debate at the highest political level. The increase in European interdependence is becoming a reality. And our policies now need to take this fact into account” (*).
We must "be able to act"
“We must be able to act, through the CSDP, as a provider of security in the neighborhood and at an international level. To be credible, the capacities and the commitment of the Member States are necessary. A strong, innovative and sustainable industrial base is needed to provide such capabilities. And this must be clearly communicated to citizens.” At the December summit, she concludes, the willingness of member states to make concrete commitments on cooperative projects will be a crucial success factor. And to announce that this summit will only be a stage.
Defense can't be a topic for a day
« There is a broad consensus among Defense and Foreign Ministers that a robust follow-up process to the European Council will need to be put in place. And it would be appropriate for the European Council to regularly address security and defense issues, with the aim of monitoring progress, sustaining the 'momentum' and providing a renewed 'impetus'”. We know that in Vilnius, the hypothesis of a follow-up by the Summit every two years was mentioned.
(*) Text in English. Home translation 😉