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The Royal Military School's "Summer University"

University2013(BRUXELLES2) The summer university of the Royal Military School (Belgian) is resuming its quarters, for its 4th edition, from 2 to 6 September.

Conditions. You must be or have been a student of a University, preferably Belgian, have at least completed the BA3 and at most have completed your studies for three years (MA or PhD). A thorough knowledge of one of the two national languages ​​(French or Dutch) as well as a good knowledge of English is required. Finally motivation and CV are important. " The number of participants is limited ! The selection of candidates is made on the basis of the registration form, a motivation and a CV “say the organizers.

The theme of this university will be " The military instrument for the benefit of international security, a Belgian and European perspective ». The concept of security is no longer limited today to the traditional approach centered on the State and on the military tool as guarantor of its security, as was the case until the end of the Cold War. The evolution of conflicts, threats and the impact of theseci on populations around the world have changed the game. The military, even if it remains an important and necessary element of the equation, is only one element among others. Its role and contribution to peace have evolved. This week will be an opportunity to show what the contribution of the military and more particularly the Belgian military can be to security and international peace. write the organizers of the university.

Program : a presentation of the framework in which the actions of the Belgian Defense take place; the European approach to defence; the operations in which Belgian Defense has taken part (UNIFIED PROTECTOR in Libya, EU NAVFOR ATALANTA in the Gulf of Aden), is currently taking part (ISAF in Afghanistan, BELUFIL in Lebanon, EUTM in Mali) and military partnerships in Africa, more specifically in the Great Lakes Region.

Application deadline : July 31, 2013. Candidates selected or placed on the reserve list will be informed by email no later than August 15, 2013. Registration fee: €65 (to cover administrative costs, lunch, drinks, etc.) ).

Other informations here

Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).
