Missions Operations

The Eucap Sahel Niger mission is recruiting

(BRUSSELS2) A call for recruitment has been published for the European Union civilian mission deployed in Niger as part of the capacity building of the Niger State (EUCAP Sahel Niger). Deadline to apply: February 8.

Of the 8 positions offered, seven are in Niamey (Niger) and one in Bamako (Mali). In general, there is an obligation to speak French (written / spoken). And all these positions must be filled as quickly as possible (Asap) except the one in Bamako (from June 16 - it is a question of replacing the French officer currently in post).

Five positions are recruited by secondment from Member States:

  • the, the Head of Operations. Placed directly under the direction of the Chief Operating Officer, he is responsible for the 4 objective teams. He must be a very experienced officer of rank OF5 (colonel), with 20 years of experience, in different fields (operational planning, military planning, knowledge of security operations and cooperation missions, etc.)
  • 1 Senior Military Expert. Of the rank of colonel, he must have experience of operations or cooperation in Africa, and of planning, such as work with international organizations or in a multinational. His function will be to liaise with the various military actors (Ministry of Defence, Chief of Defence, Defense Attachés), to contribute to planning and monitoring the improvement of coordination between Nigerien security actors and the armed forces. He will also have to contribute to the functions of information and press relations, for the military part.
  • 1 Data Expert / documentation (police or gendarme, with at least 10 years of experience in law enforcement and experience in archiving, in charge of helping the authorities of Niger to set up criminal investigation capacities);
  • 1 In charge of "reporting. With 5 years of professional experience in an identical task, he will have the (grateful) but necessary task of analyzing all the information available and preparing the periodic reports which will be submitted to the hierarchy.
  • 1 Liaison Officer in Mali. Based in Bamako, he will be responsible for studying the future actions of the mission, in particular its extension to Mali, and if possible, the other contributions of the European Union to the region, within the framework of the European Strategy for the Sahel. He will also have the task of observing the security situation in the country as well as maintaining relations with various national authorities and NGOs. He will also have to promote coordination between Mali and the other countries of the region, against crime and terrorism, in particular within the framework of the "Sahelian Security College".

Three positions are open to contract workers:

  • 1 project cell manager. A graduate in political science, economics or administration, he should have extensive professional experience in the organizational and operational aspects of organizations, and be able to use project management methods such as Prince or risk management approaches.
  • 1 doctor serving as a medical advisor. With 10 years of medical experience and 5 years in the planning and management of disaster situations, he will have to play the role of "on-board doctor" for the members of the mission, organize first aid or primary care all personnel, analyze, plan and monitor all medical needs of the mission.
  • 1 finance officer". With at least 5 years of professional experience and a diploma in administration, finance or accounting, he/she will have to ensure that everything relating to the financial management of the mission is done in accordance with European accounting rules. will also have the task of defining the procedures for payments, accounts, cash, processing of requests, ...

Download the list of positions: and the application form: . Contact: email eeas-cpcc-eucap-niger@eeas.europa.eu

Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).
