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Political and defence Europe (by Nicolas Gros-Verheyde)

News BlogEU Defense (Doctrine)

Germans and French determined to strengthen Defense Europe

G. Longuet and T. de Maiziere (credit: NATO)

(BRUSSELS2, analysis) “ We believe it ". This is somewhat the meaning of the declaration on the European security and defense policy signed during the last Franco-German summit, on February 6, by the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Defense of the two countries, Alain Juppé and Guido Westerwelle, Gérard Longuet and Thomas de Maizière. A statement that went a little unnoticed and deserves a little more careful reading.

The display ofpolitical convergence

This 4-page (French version) or 7-page (English version) text is intended to be a complete overview of what is possible in terms of European defense, whether “ in terms of structures, capacities and operations », strategic dialogue and cooperation in armaments. Some concrete projects are outlined (medical transport, space surveillance). But even more, it is political convergence that is sought. We actually find more points of agreement here than between the French and the British. However, a deadline has been set: 2013, with the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Elysée Treaty, and the stated ambition of “ give new impetus to their common security and defense policy ».

The credible and effective PeSDC: operations in the Sahel and the Horn of Africa

« “We have long shared the objective of a stronger European defense. (…) We believe that the common defense and security policy is a credible and effective instrument for crisis management » write the authors, with supporting example. The Franco-German couple is therefore determined to ensure the launch of preparatory work for an engagement in the Sahel, to continue the work in progress on the mission to strengthen maritime capacities in the Horn of Africa. He reaffirms his intention to support the anti-piracy operation Atalanta and that of training Somali soldiers (EUTM Somalia) as a “ significant CSDP contribution to efforts to stabilize Somalia ».

A strategic dialogue advance on crises

Differences in approaches exist between French and Germans, that’s a fact. But the two partners intend to better overcome their differences in the future. “ For future crises, France and Germany will consult closely before decisions regarding the commitment of military forces (NB: a consultation which was almost undone during the operation in Libya). They also want to make the Franco-German brigade the heart of the response of the two countries. “ Based on a common assessment of the crises, Franco-German responses should correspond, and if possible the commitment of the Franco-German Brigade. This requires harmonizing differences between national administrative procedures and reducing them as much as possible. » This strategic dialogue – which will also involve an intensification of dialogue between the two parliaments – “ should also include reflections on crisis scenarios, focusing on the Middle East and Africa ».

Joint projects for medical transport and space surveillance

In terms of capabilities, the two partners want to go further than general support for ongoing pooling and sharing initiatives at the European Defense Agency and NATO. They thus want to strengthen the European Air Transport Command (EATC), set up in Eindhoven, and “ examine the possibilities of expanding its means and capacities ". A cooperation project in medical support will be launched with reciprocal support: Germany will make its CH-53 helicopters available to France and France will support Germany in the field of CSAR – combat search and rescue . The two countries also want to promote the development of a “ core of a European capacity in space surveillance ", so they want " develop a common capacity » ; a cooperation that could also extend to helicopters, land systems and missile defense activities".

Convergences in the preparation and conduct of armaments programs

More generally, moreover, for “ promote convergence in the different phases (preparatory and active) of common armaments programs”, France and Germany will intensify discussions on integrated teams and the “joint capability process” bringing together military expertise as well as entities in charge of design and procurement from both countries. They want to achieve better convergence in the definition of military and operational needs, harmonization of certification procedures for weapons and armament systems (mutual recognition of test methods) and to guarantee more continuity in exchanges between users and suppliers ". And want to look for joint industrial proposals responding to Franco-German projects”.

Being able to control European industry

The industry and market regulation constitutes another common theme, in particular “ on the security of supplies and the control of foreign investments”. NB: A key point to prevent the European arms industry from falling apart or into the hands of foreign investors, like the Greek shipyards that recently passed into the hands of Chinese industrialists. In the end, " Our common efforts in favor of a more efficient European defense will contribute to the strengthening of European integration and of the Atlantic partnership, pillars of the security policy in Europe. »

Download the adopted declaration, in French English  (I recommend this latest version, the French version seems approximate to me)

Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).