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The withdrawal from Afghanistan is not linked to bin Laden, for H. Morin

(credit: French Ministry of Defense / DICOD)

(BRUSSELS2) Passing through Brussels, Hervé Morin, former Minister of Defense and leader of the New Centre, insisted on reframing the announcements made of the announced withdrawal of forces in Afghanistan. " All of this is in line with the transition plan. he explained during an improvised press briefing at the European Parliament where B2 was (with Radio-France :-).

The chronicle of an announced withdrawal

« To consider (as some do) that there is a link between Bin Laden's death and the withdrawal therefore makes no sense. "" This was what we had planned with NATO with the withdrawal plan and a replacement by the Afghan army and police” A withdrawal plan “progressive which we have repeatedly asked for - I have said this at least ten times at NATO meetings. »

Why this reluctance? " We could clearly see at the time that the coalition was more and more fragile and that it was only holding together by the American will - an operation which, without the Americans, cannot continue. Many countries had already announced their withdrawal, or wanted to do so, this year or for the following year. And the minister added: “After 10 years, we have to draw the consequences. "Only at the time, " when a surge was announced, it was difficult to announce a withdrawal plan at the same time. "Today's announcement is" logical and according to plan including 30.000 American troops. Because this number is spread over two years in fact, partly in 2011 and partly in 2012.

On the French side, it is indeed the Surobi zone which is the most conducive to this withdrawal. " There are still a few skirmishes and you're never safe from an attack, but it's a very calm area, and the transition can therefore be made. In Kapisa, it is more difficult, because we are far from ensuring security. “But the withdrawal” is a delicate operation. We cannot withdraw troops like that. You have to prepare for it in a concrete way concludes H. Morin

Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).
