News BlogEEAS High Representative

"We have to remobilize" says Ashton

« This is a real cultural shift that we are facing explained Cathy Ashton during one of the first meetings of the "Board" of the new European diplomatic service. " The challenge will be to do foreign policy in a different way she explained in essence. Objective: to develop the role of Europe as a “soft power” in the world by reconciling the different European visions (Council, Commission, Parliament, Member States, etc.).

The role of the EU: added value

Indeed, the task is immense ". First, there is strong pressure from ministers or parliamentarians judging that the EU is not doing enough and is not capable of managing crises. Cathy Ashton recognizes this. But the role of the EU is not automatically to act quickly, she defends herself. It “cannot and must not”. The aim of the EU is rather to bring " value ».

Remobilize services

Then, what is urgent is to set up this European diplomatic service. Because if it now has heads, the body does not seem to follow. The newly appointed department directors were therefore asked to go around their departments to remobilize the staff a little, “ disoriented by more than a year of waiting. Indeed, several units of the diplomatic service have many vacancies. Commission or Council officials who preferred to sail elsewhere.

This problem is also an opportunity, as several European diplomats have confirmed to us. This could also make it possible to correct the imbalance between men and women and the geographical imbalance. Two points which, even if officially one refuses to admit it, cause a little worry to the persons in charge of the diplomatic service. " The organizational chart that was published is a simple snapshot of what exists today. We have to deal with it. Those who find fault today should have woken up earlier “Explains an expert on the file.

A breath of fresh air in the office

This "remobilization" should also affect the Baronness' cabinet, which should be quickly reorganized around three poles: foreign policy, external aspects of internal policies (energy, trade, etc.), coordination.

Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).

One thought on “"We have to remobilize" says Ashton"

  • minlaung

    the most important thing is to see whether it is the outdated, stuffy, corporatist culture of national diplomacy or that of the Commission (effective, creative, responsible and pro-European) that will prevail

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