News Blogmaritime piracy

The capture of the Beluga Nomination by the pirates goes wrong (update)

(B2) The capture of the German freighter MV Beluga Nomination by the pirates, Saturday January 22 (Monday 24 according to the multinational forces), a little less than 400 miles northeast of the Seychelles (1° North, 56° East), is experiencing a following the eventful time according to the information in our possession. On board was a crew of 12 men: 1 Pole (captain), 2 Ukrainians, 2 Russians and 7 Filipinos.

The "citadel" is not impregnable

These locked themselves in a secure room of the ship (the "citadel"). But that apparently wasn't enough. Since the pirates managed to force their way in, apparently after two days. Now aware of this defense process, the pirates have, in fact, equipped themselves with door opening devices, even explosives, they no longer hesitate to force their way in to seize the crew.

Failed attempt to recapture the ship

As soon as the attack became known, several ships converged on the scene of the incident: in particular, the Danish ship Esbern Snare (from NATO operation Ocean Shield) and, apparently, a Seychelles Coastguard boat, assisted in the air by maritime patrol aircraft (including one presumably from the Seychelles). It was Wednesday. " The captain of the MV Beluga Nomination asked the Esbern Snare to stay clear to avoid the increase in tension on board says the NATO anti-piracy HQ.

A pirate killed, a sailor too

But the opposing forces did not remain inactive. Seychellois forces attacked on Wednesday. Shots were exchanged. Deadly exchanges. According to the shipowner Niels Stolberg, who spoke in the Bremen newspaper, Weser-Kurier, on Saturday morning, the Danish NATO ship and the Seychelles ship opened fire in concert, in an attempt to take the ship back. Failed attempt. During this exchange, a pirate was killed ". " As retaliation, he says, a sailor was later shot dead ».

A conversation between the team of the shipowner and the captain of the Beluga confirmed this dramatic outcome, without specifying the nationality of the affected sailor. It is therefore not the (Polish) captain, the shipowner confirmed to us directly (*)

Exchanges of fire neither confirmed nor denied on the Seychelles side

The Seychelles authorities that B2 contacted do not confirm the whole sequence. " The Seychellois Coast Guard pursued the ship well until it was close to Somalia. But they returned. Because the fuel was starting to be at a limit and the conditions at sea were very difficult. It was a NATO ship which then took over. The exchanges of fire are therefore neither confirmed nor denied. The only certainty no coastguards were injured ". (*)

Sailors jump into the water

Several sailors took advantage of the assault to jump into the water. While another catapulted the lifeboat, located at the rear of the ship. Escape confirmed by multinational forces. « Two days later, the crew of the MV Beluga Nomination rebelled. And several sailors tried to flee in one of the survival ships said NATO's anti-piracy headquarters on Friday.

Two sailors recovered safe and sound Two others missing

Searches were started by two patrol planes: a Spanish plane and an American plane. The lifeboat has been located. And " at four o'clock in the afternoon (Friday), two sailors were recovered safe and sound and hoisted aboard the Danish ship HDMS Esbern Snare ". A Ukrainian (the ship's number 2) and a Filipino, according to the Ukrainian press. The two other sailors who escaped at the same time are still missing. Information confirmed by the owner of the ship that I was able to reach. (*)

Rescue ship for pirates

The next day, another supply ship hijacked the Y, an LPG tanker captured by the pirates at the end of October, came to the aid of the "Beluga Nomination". My colleagues from Spiegel talk about an engine failure. I personally lean more towards a "protective action". Like other operations, the pirates do not hesitate to use one of their holds, with a significant risk potential, to both supply supplies, rescue pirates in an unstable position, but also and above all ensure a dissuasive protection. In the presence of a tanker, it is certain that the multinational forces will not dare to take an offensive position or even proceed to an exchange of fire. The pirates know this and now use this process. The two ships were thus able to take the road to Somalia together.

Controversy in Germany

Le Mv Beluga Appointment was well registered in the European register for the Indian Ocean MSCHOA and reported to its British equivalent (UKMTO). Some of the safety requirements, such as the possibility for the crew to take refuge in the citadel, have been respected. And the shipowner accused the multinational forces of not having intervened, relayed by the German press. "Why then that theipage, who remained confined for two and a half days in the citadel", did he not receive outside help, immediately exclaimed the shipowner Niels Stolberg. The German shipowners are all the more furious that it is the third ship to be captured by pirates in two years: the BBC first, the Beluga Fortune then.

Atalanta's ships not in the area

The European anti-piracy HQ "Atalanta" reacted (which is relatively rare) recalling that the use of certain measures such as the "citadel" does not "does not warrant military action". And "the nearest EuNavfor vessel was 1000 miles away, escorting a World Food Program (WFP) vessel".

A disgruntled shipowner

However, the shipowner does not budge. He gave several interviews to the German press, believing that the federal government " don't do enough ". In the BILD, Sunday, he also complains about the behavior of the naval forces. " Communication with the institutions whose support we hope for is a disaster. How come we learn there was a fight from a NATO press release. Why not notify the shipowner directly ? he explains. (*)

A dramatic toll

The result of this failed operation is therefore dramatic: two killed (a pirate, a sailor), two sailors missing. There are also seven sailors held hostage by the pirates. The ship would now be anchored off Harardare (Somalia). No ransom demand has officially been expressed (*)

(Nicolas Gros-Verheyde)

(*) Updated Saturday 23 p.m., Sunday 20 p.m. and 22 p.m.

Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).
