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The defense dimension, the great forgotten of the conference of EU ambassadors

(Joke) When one reads the program concocted for the conference of EU ambassadors which is taking place these days in Brussels, one can only be amazed. Where is the European defense dimension? Trade, climate change, budget, development, humanitarian aid... nothing has really been forgotten of the main challenges of an EU embassy, ​​new format. Nothing... except one theme: Defense Europe.

However, defense is one of the major aspects of the Lisbon Treaty (along with the political aspect) in the transformation of the delegations of the European Commission into veritable EU embassies. Under the permanent presidency, they will indeed be in charge of political and security issues. This is already the case, more or less, in the countries where PeSDC missions are deployed (Georgia, Moldova, Israel, Bosnia, Kosovo, Congo, Uganda, Afghanistan). But it can also be in countries at risk (Korea, Chad, Kenya - Somalia, Sudan, Lebanon...) or in countries where the security dimension is strategic (Russia, Pakistan, United States...) .

Neither General Syren, who is, however, the chairman of the Military Committee and military adviser to Cathy Ashton, nor the EU's military chief of staff, Van Osch, or his civilian alter ego, Klompenhouwer, came to the floor before diplomats to explain to them the challenges of European defence, both civil and military. An oversight that is not entirely innocent...

A meaningful omission

It is, first of all, a confirmation. The disinterestedness observed from the beginning of the High Representative for Defense Europe (2) is not just an impression but a reality firmly rooted in her mind and her political will. A black spot in a balance sheet that remains honorable (3).

This oversight is also a slap in the face for the military and crisis management actors equivalent to the "slap" of Palma de Mallorca for the Ministers of Defense (4). Admittedly, egos are a relative thing with regard to the challenges of this world. But when you manage a new service: trampling part of your troops, permanently, is not good for morale. It is thus a lost opportunity to forge links between the "diplomats" and the crisis managers.

Beyond the crumpled egos, a serious strategic error

This omission is finally, and above all, a serious strategic error. While the world is buzzing about security, whether about a US-Russia rapprochement, or the peace process (or not) in the Middle East, new threats in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Korea, Sudan... l Europe remains angelic believing in its good conscience.

Because if there is a crisis for which the head of delegation of the European Commission is the least prepared, usually accustomed to managing development projects or humanitarian aid, fisheries agreements or trade policy issues ( *), it is undoubtedly the security or military crisis. But today, or tomorrow, it is the EU ambassador who will be in the front line, who will have the lead in most countries (5).

How to make the link for example with a defense mission on the spot, prepare or manage a SOFA? manage the intervention of a battlegroup? to evacuate citizens? make the link with the government and the Legad of a mission in the event of an accident or the repatriation of injured persons, or even bodies? Etc. All this cannot be improvised.

How much longer will Europe believe, like a young naive girl standing by the side of the road, that raising your thumb at nightfall and the checkbook in your pocket will bring her Prince Charming?

(*) All vital things without doubt and extremely complex in addition.

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Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).

2 thoughts on “The defense dimension, the great forgotten of the conference of EU ambassadors"

  • felli bernard

    my astonishment joins yours, could the Defense and the Security of Europe be entrusted to others? Your metaphor used at the end of your article “the young girl …” Excellent clarity. I allow myself a little reminder of Henri Kissinger “The great powers never commit suicide for their allies”
    Kind regards.

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