News BlogEU Defense (Doctrine)

Anti-Missiles: Hervé Morin denounces a new “Maginot line”

meeting of defense ministers. Credit: NATO

(Evere, NATO headquarters) In front of some journalists, on the sidelines of the meeting of NATO Defense Ministers in Brussels, the French Minister Hervé Morin expressed stocks » on the future anti-missile defense proposed by the Secretary General of the Alliance FA Rasmussen (1). And when we say "stocks", the word is quite... diplomatic. It's more like a real barrage that we witnessed.

"We are in the dark - explains Hervé Morin -. How much will it actually cost? What is the exact threat? Who is targeted? What is our capacity to respond to its threats?... We have a lot of uncertainties. And this sentiment is shared by many Ministers around the table"For the French minister, the missile defense project is dangerous in more ways than one."We are going to give the Europeans the feeling a little more that they do not need to finance defence. However, the best way to ensure its security is to have the budgetary means to ensure its security.

The Minister thus fears the cost of such a device, and the possible slippage, which will take up precious resources at a time when they are becoming scarce. "This impacts the current budget and our future budgets when what we need are classic means (transport, etc.)"

A new electronic Maginot line

In fact, he summarizes "it's the same problem as for the Maginot line. We believe we are protecting ourselves from the apocalypse. But the best way to protect yourself is to be respected.." "Faced with a nuclear threat, the best means remains deterrence (nuclear)“, emphasizes Hervé Morin who confirms the French doctrine of nuclear deterrence.”Missile defense can be a complement but certainly not a substitute for deterrence." Incidentally, he also wanted to deny any difference of opinion with his German colleague Karl-Theodor zu Gutenberg. 

Finally, for the French minister, there can be no anti-missile defense "without dialogue with Russia. We cannot build a space of peace without discussions with the Russians. And this dialogue must be nurtured“he adds.

In short, an electronic Maginot line, very beautiful, expensive but which will be outdated as soon as it is put in place...

(1) Read: The “total” approach according to Rasmussen. And NATO-EU cooperation…

Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).
