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Kyrgyzstan: Pierre Morel flies to a "penniless state"

(BRUSSELS2) The European envoy, Pierre Morel, special representative for Central Asia, who leaves tomorrow for Kyrgyzstan (accompanied by the head of Commission delegation in the country, Chantal Hebberecht, who was currently in Brussels ) doesn't really know where he's going to go, people around him confirmed to me, despite his excellent knowledge of the terrain. The situation is, in fact, very fluid. And above all, we are dealing with a “ penniless state ". Financial support therefore seems urgent!

We leave in the fog. « We are a bit in the dark. We don't really know what we're going to find. » we assure on the European side. This is why the first job will be to “ conduct an assessment ". This work will be done in close coordination with other special representatives of the international community » they assure me. “ It will be an EU-OSCE-UN trio. » Pierre Morel has already spoken – by telephone – with the OSCE representative who is already on site and will do so with the UN representative who is arriving. It is also “ to take stock with the various leaders of the new power. We have a series of appointments scheduled. »

Changing situation.

On the spot, in fact,  “The situation is very fluid. And there are still some troubles according to the first European reports received. The new power has put in place citizen patrols, mixed, made up of volunteers and police. » But the situation has not stabilized. Russian and American embassy officials were attacked yesterday during a visit to the government.

A penniless state.

The least of the problems posed there is that the State no longer has a penny. "There remains in all and for all to the new power, 16 million $". This is not enough to ensure the life of the country, starting with paying for oil needs. This is also why one of the first of number 2 of the new power was towards Moscow. “ The needs are therefore significant, both financial and in terms of medical emergencies.” Bakiyev, the former president who took refuge in his stronghold, Jalalbad, in the south of the country, apparently took the loot with him. How he would use this money is easy to guess.

Russians as reinforcements: do not exaggerate.

As for the arrival of 150 Russian paratroopers on site, an EU expert plays down the drama. “ There are only 150 paratroopers, who aim to protect the Russian bases there and those who live there. » Situation justified. "In fact, Russia, which can no longer hold all its bases, had for several months proceeded to a discreet withdrawal of some of its troops."It would just be a return to a sufficient squad" to provide protection against disturbances and
the many looters

(Nicolas Gros-Verheyde)

Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).