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The COSI, for internal security, will be created at the beginning of December

(B2) It will be to internal security not quite what the PSC is to foreign policy and security (external) but not very far all the same. A"Standing Committee for Internal Security Operational Cooperation"should be created as soon as the Lisbon Treaty comes into force on December 1. The 27 agreed on the framework decision.

According to this text, the Standing Committee facilitates and ensures effective operational cooperation and coordination within the framework of Title V of Part Three of the TFEU (NB: justice and home affairs), including in the areas covered by police and customs cooperation (*) and by the authorities responsible for controlling and protecting the external borders. It also covers, where appropriate, judicial cooperation in criminal matters as regards operational cooperation in the field of internal security. »

Its vocation will be essentially operational

« The Standing Committee also assesses the general direction and effectiveness of operational cooperation; it identifies any shortcomings or failures and adopts the appropriate concrete recommendations to remedy them. " But his function will not go so far as to direct operations - " The Standing Committee is not associated with the conduct of operations, which remains the responsibility of the Member States. There is therefore no creation of an operational police headquarters. Similarly, it is normally not intended to interfere in the legislative circuit of the Council " it is not associated with the drafting of legislative acts ».

Who will be a member of this Committee?

A statement was added to the decision clarifying this role: "Given its operational role, COSI will operate from the capitals. Each Member State will decide whether it has a single representative for all questions or several representatives; in both cases, the representatives will benefit from appropriate support. However, the number of delegates will be limited to ensure the efficiency of the committee's work. » « COSI's work will be supported from Brussels ". The JHA advisers (present in Brussels in the permanent representations to the EU) " play a supporting role and, as needed, meet between main COSI meetings. "" Representatives of EUROJUST, EUROPOL, FRONTEX can also be invited, as well as any interesting organization.

A poorly controlled committee ?

It should be noted that the European Parliament will only be very remotely associated with this work. " The European Parliament and national parliaments are informed by the Council of the work of the Standing Committee.” It's a bit weak as democratic control for a committee that works in an area where democratically elected representatives should be present more than ever, since it's about public freedoms.

(Nicolas Gros-Verheyde)

(*) Subjects where the Treaty of Lisbon has provided for exceptions (right of initiative retained for the Member States)

Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).
