News BlogEU Defense (Doctrine)

Obama winks charmingly at Europeans without more

(B2) Busy with my trip to Djibouti, I had kept aside a few brief remarks on the visit of the American president to the European continent.

In Strasbourg on April 3, US President Obama had two goals: first, to reach out to Europeans and show that the time for an arrogant America is over, as he says it's time to " forging real partnerships and strong alliances” ; second, to convince them that the fate of Afghanistan lies in " our common security and that the Atlantic Alliance cannot remain confined to the European sphere. If the first objective has been achieved; for the second, the result seems more mixed.

Europeans are wonderful... The American president did not spare the hyperbole to salute European work, in particular during his very prepared dialogue with young people in Strasbourg. " In America, we have difficulty appreciating Europe's leading role in the world. Instead of celebrating your dynamic union and seeking to be a partner with you in common challenges, America has at times shown arrogance and been resigned, even derisory. (…) America cannot face the challenges of this century alone, just as Europe cannot face them without America. It is together that we must find common solutions to our common problems”. " We must renew our relationship for a new generation, in a new century.”. And the American president repeatedly cites Europe as an example for his action " serious " in the face of the challenges of climate change, for its European social security system, which does not exist in the USA - " You have millions of people working and if they get sick they lose everything. It's not acceptable to me - or for its high-speed train lines - " why don't we have this in the usa ».

European defence: the minimum service. As for strengthening European defence, the new American president stuck to minimum service. Bush had said more in his own way and more convincingly in Bucharest. Obama contented himself with one: We support a strong European defense by welcoming the French decision to deepen its participation in NATO as well as the arrival of Croatia and Albania in the Alliance. Then everyone was asked to please make their contribution - military, civilian, financial - to the American strategy in Afghanistan which now extends to Pakistan... In fact, Washington's attitude towards the Europe is two words: honor and sacrifice.


Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).
