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French and English ministers celebrate 10 years of St Malo

(B2)Ten years after the Franco-British summit in Saint-Malo, and the joint declaration on European defence, the British and French Defense Ministers, John Hutton and Hervé Morin, met symbolically on December 4 in Northwood, at the Operation Headquarters (OHQ) of the European Anti-Piracy Operation (Eunavfor Atalanta), near London. (Visit to which I had been invited).
Both initially welcomed the upcoming launch (December 8) of Operation Atalanta. “This is an important operation, the EU's first naval operation. And we support it, as we support EU capacity building” said John Hutton. “Faced with the increase in pirate attacks, it was necessary to act. I hope this operation can have a deterrent effect. Of course, he acknowledged, that would not solve the entire piracy problem. "If we hadn't done it, we would have been criticized even more," he explained, “The operation should lead to a significant improvement of the problem”. An optimism shared by Hervé Morin. Of course, he acknowledged, 6 to 7 buildings “This may seem small compared to a huge area, 3000 km by 1000 km. But we couldn't stand idly by. And the EU initiative can be supplemented by other countries. Between the Europeans – with “Atalanta” -, NATO and third countries, we can have nearly 15 boats in the area, this is starting to be significant and dissuasive”.

John Hutton (UK) and Hervé Morin (Fr) in the neighborhood
General of Northwood © NGV

The United Kingdom fervent support of the ESDP... always! John Hutton took the opportunity to make a real plea in favor of the ESDP: “ the EU has a powerful set of resources – civilian expertise, military forces, economic might and the largest diplomatic network in the world, as well as being the largest development donor. This makes her well placed to respond to instability" in the world. Finding that this enthusiasm was particularly new, I asked him why such a change of position because a year ago, we did not yet see the United Kingdom so pro-ESDP. What Hutton said is shown (finely) very surprised. “I don't recognize your description at all. (We are) to strengthen Europe. And the ESDP is really very important for that. This presupposes strategic objectives. » Implied, what we have today... (a statement that confirms a previous interview in the Sunday Times)

Without the United Kingdom there will be no ESDP progress. As for Hervé Morin, he assured his identity of views with the British: “Defence Europe can only progress with the United Kingdom. This may sound contradictory but it is the reality. Our two countries spend the most on defense and still have an industry. Without France and the United Kingdom, nothing is done. The principle of the ESDP is not to replace the Atlantic Alliance but to complement it. And the best example is this operation that we are launching against piracy. We have NATO boats patrolling. And soon the European boats will take over ».

The French Minister also mentioned certain ideas for strengthen the European defense industry.


Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).

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