European aid for refugees from Darfur
(BRUSSELS2) The European Commission has granted an envelope of 6 million euros, under the heading of humanitarian aid, in favor of some 200 displaced persons in the north of the Central African Republic (CAR). Despite some recent political advances, "the current context in the north of the country has not made it possible to significantly improve the humanitarian situation over the past year" emphasizes the European institution.
In addition to some 200 internally displaced people, around 000 people have sought refuge in neighboring countries (Chad, Cameroon and Sudan). In addition, northeastern CAR has approximately 98 refugees from Darfur. Interventions will however concentrate, as far as possible, on areas and sectors for which reconstruction and development action is already planned under the European Development Fund.
In 2007, the Commission granted €8 million in humanitarian aid to vulnerable people in the Central African Republic. All funds are channeled through the Commission's Humanitarian Aid Department (ECHO), which falls under the responsibility of Commissioner Louis Michel. The projects are implemented by non-governmental aid organisations, specialized UN agencies and the Red Cross/Red Crescent movement. ECHO has set up an antenna in Bangui in order to closely monitor the evolution of the humanitarian situation, to contribute actively to the coordination of relief operations at local level and to monitor the use of the Commission's humanitarian funds.
In addition, the Commission has financed the regional peacekeeping mission (Force multinationale en Centrafrique - FOMUC) to the tune of EUR 15,5 million under the African Peace Facility.