Central Southern Africa

In the CAR, the EU has failed in its commitments (Ban Ki Moon)

(BRUSSELS2) The call to order of the UN Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon, on the Rep. Central African Republic has, in my opinion, gone quite unnoticed. It is true that it was in Brazzaville last week, in full European summit devoted to Ukraine. All European eyes were on the east, Russia and Crimea. It is also true that this message was delivered in Brazzaville by Babacar Gaye, the special representative of the Secretary General, head of BINUCA (the United Nations office for the Central African Republic). But it deserves special mention.

Europe has not kept its promise

Because it is one of the rare times - from memory - where a Secretary General of the United Nations attacks the European Union in this way, accusing it, in very diplomatic and courteous terms, but nevertheless precise, of having missed to his promises. " The European Union has still not deployed the 1 troops promised (EUFOR RCA) he explains. And to invite urgently » the Member States of the European Union to « provide the rest of the troops and logistical means necessary for the deployment of the force ».

Support for MISCA: many promises, few donations

This lack is all the more crucial as on other fronts - such as support for MISCA - the situation is no better. " Donors have contributed only a small fraction of the pledges they have made in recent months to address humanitarian needs, organize elections and support MISCA explains the UN. “To address the crisis in all its aspects – security, political, human rights and humanitarian – funding will be essential. »

Comments : for the European Union, which has always made the United Nations the cornerstone of its commitment to peace missions around the world, it is a singular slap in the face to be called to order by the Secretary General of the NU, where it is usually the EU which intends - through the intermediary of the United Nations - to remind everyone of their commitment. Especially since the promised workforce (1000 men) still seems within reach of the European armies which total 1,4 million men and women under arms! All eyes will turn today to a few countries, notably Belgium (read: EUFOR Rca: a decisive Friday?). Once again !

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Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).

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