West Africa - SahelBrief blogPolice Terrorism

Burkina Faso in turn hit by terrorism. Several European casualties (Maj2)

(credit: DICOD/EMA)
(credit: DICOD/EMA)

(B2) L’attaque perpétrée à Ouagadougou (Burkina-Faso) contre plusieurs bars et restaurants fréquentés par les expatriés (le Taxi Brousse et le Cappuccino), et l’Hotel Splendid, vendredi soir (15 janvier) a fait au moins 29 morts, dont plusieurs Burkinabais (8 selon un premier bilan)

Among the foreign victims (*):

  • three Français (selon le Quai d’Orsay). Deux travaillaient pour la même société, Scales, de Saint-Ouen l’Aumône (lire sur 20 minutes). As well as the French-Moroccan photographer Leila Alaoui, seriously injured, who succumbed to her injuries
  • a Portuguese who lived in France (married to a Frenchwoman) and also worked at Scales.
  • deux Suisses (l’ancien patron de la Poste Jean-Noël Rey et un ancien député du Valais Georgie Lamon, selon la RTS).
  • a Dutchman (a 67-year-old man, international volunteer, according to the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs).
  • four Ukrainians, who belong to the same family: the wife and 9-year-old son of the owner of Cafe Cappuccino, the sister and mother of his wife.
  • un Américain (un missionnaire Mike Riddering, qui travaillait à l’orphelinat Les Ailes de Refuge).
  • six Canadians (from Quebec).
  • a Libyan.

Thirty people were also injured.

Les forces de sécurité burkinabaises, épaulées par des forces spéciales françaises et un soutien américain (ISR – surveillance et renseignement), ont mené l’assaut, permettant de libérer quelque 150 otages. La police technique et scientifique et la sous direction anti-terroriste de la police nationale ont envoyé des éléments sur place pour participer à l’enquête, tout comme la Gendarmerie nationale qui a envoyé six experts de l’Institut de recherche criminelle de la gendarmerie nationale (IRCGN).

L’attentat revendiqué par le groupe de Mokhtar Belmokhtar (Al-Mourabitoune), affilié à Al Qaida au Maghreb Islamique (AQMI) tout comme celui de l’hôtel Radisson Blu de Bamako. Une attaque « coordonnée » avec celle d’un convoi de la gendarmerie et l’enlèvement de deux ressortissant australiens dans le nord du pays » affirme le le Premier ministre burkinabais Paul Kaba Thieba lors d’une extraordinary meeting of the Council of Ministers. Three of the Ouagadougou attackers died on the spot. A commando who included women said Prime Minister Thieba.

« Cet attentat odieux, lâche et abject n’affectera en rien notre détermination commune à lutter contre le terrorisme sous toutes ses formes “said the Malian president for his part. Ibrahim Boubacar Keita (IBK)" J’exprime ma solidarité au peuple frère du BurkinaFaso et condamne avec la dernière rigueur cette barbarie innommable " he added.


(*) Plusieurs avaient une double nationalité, d’où des comptages parfois différents

Read on Libération the story of the survivors

Read also:

And our file N°32:  2015 Europe facing a new wave of terrorism

(Maj) dim 17.1 17h – Bilan des nationaux + déclaration du Premier ministre burkinabais – mar 19.1 – décès d’un blessé grave

Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).

2 thoughts on “Burkina Faso in turn hit by terrorism. Several European casualties (Maj2)"

  • And how many Burkinabés? Shame you don't know! We're talking about dead Damn! So why this segregation?

    • I understand your outrage. But I don't share it in any way.

      1° We are a European site and naturally we are primarily interested in European and local citizens (Quebecers, etc.). And it must be recognized that in this attack, even if Burkinabais are among the victims, they were not the main targets. Evidenced by the location targeted and the number of foreign victims.

      2° We take confirmed information from quasi-official sources. And, of course, we have better sources of information in European capitals than in African ones. We are modifying this article as we have more precise confirmations.

      3° We do not segregate. On the contrary. We are very often one of the few sites in Europe to mention all the nationalities mentioned whose nationality we can accurately identify (to avoid any error). Take the paragraph on the intervention of the security forces, you will see that we try to mention everyone, in the first place the people of Burkina Faso.

      In the past, we have done this. You will find that we have spoken just as much about other nationalities, whether after Bamako in Mali

      and in Paris, on November 13. We were even one of the first sites to list all the 'other' nationalities than just the French.

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