Blog AnalysisEU Defense (Doctrine)

For Jamie Shea (NATO), we must move towards a “Berlin + Civil” agreement with the EU

(BRUXELLES2) Il y a dix ans, l’UE qui voulait développer une Politique européenne de sécurité et de défense (PESD), mais était dépourvu de moyens militaires, s’était tournée vers l’OTAN. Ainsi avait été conclu un accord de coopération, dénommé “Berlin Plus”, préparé en 1999 et officialisé en 2003. Il permet à the EU to benefit from the command structures of the covenant Atlantic. But today, to listen Jamie Shea, le directeur de la planification politique à l’OTAN (et ancien porte-parole de l’organisation), cet accord paraît dépassé ou du moins à compléter. Et c’est NATO who now seems to be asking: to be able to use this agreement Berlin+ qui tend à tomber en désuétude, et surtout de conclure un accord “Berlin+ Civil”. Car
the need for civilian capabilities in operations, particularly in Afghanistan. , is crucial to win... The reversal of the situation seems notable!

Jamie Shea speaks to the deputies of the defense subcommittee of the European Parliament, Wednesday (photo © ngv).

Berlin+ agreement exceeded?
« Berlin+ was based on the fact that the EU would have borrowed military assets from NATO. And we would have said Yes, possibly, subject to conditions. (…) Now the EU has developed its own military capabilities: maritime, battle groups, buys his
own Airbus aircraft, has its own HQ… The EU no longer has the same need to apply the agreement Berlin + than in the mid-1990s”
Jamie analysis Shea.
Fact, " Of the 23 EU missions, only 2 fell under Berlin+: a small mission in Phyrome in 2003 (now completed) and the mission in Bosnia which endures (NB: for a short time yet). Today, when the EU and theNato are in a country or at sea together (Kosovo, Afghanistan. , Somalia …), Berlin + is not applicable. Rather than the rule Berlin+ has become the exception »

D’autres modes de coopération. Jamie Shea proposes to revisit this agreement by providing for other aspects such as the provision to the EU of NATO's strategic air capability (3 C17) or the joint training of battle groups – rapid reaction force. But, above all, he considers "necessary to have an agreement" Berlin+ Civilian”.
« Our cooperation must adapt to reality »

Un Berlin+ Civilian. NATO does not have the same means qur The union European, Jamie Shea recognizes it. " The EU, like the UN, is a global organisation. This is not the case with NATO. NATO (for example) has no civilian capacity. NATO's success does not depend solely on military success in its operations. But it must persuade the other organizations (USA, EU, etc.) to be on the ground with missions and means. I will be very frank: the EU has advantages that NATO does not have. It works in the judiciary, can train police officers,
to be election observers, etc. »

Strategic harmony. Jamie Shea s’est défendu de toute velléité d’annexion d’une organisation par une autre : « A French ambassador once said that the EU had no vocation to become a civilian agency of NATO. He is right " a-t-il souligné, avec humour. Et d’expliquer : « NATO does not have to command the EU. These two organizations must be independent. What we would like is to be able to at least have strategic harmony with the EU in areas which for both are of vital importance. As for example in Afghanistan. or in Balkans. "In these regions, " the EU and NATO have very similar interests. And les pays de l’UE seraient tout aussi menacés par l’échec que les Usa et le Canada. »

Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).