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Cathy among the Benghazi rebels. Finally Europe is here! (Shift)

(credit: European Commission)

(BRUSSELS2) The European flag flies over Benghazi. And the head of European diplomacy, Cathy Ashton, arrived this Sunday (May 22) in the stronghold of the Libyan opposition, to inaugurate the EU liaison office in Libya with the democratic opposition. A symbol.

“The EU puts its words into action”

« It is an honor to meet the people who fought for democracy and a better future for Libya said the High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs. " The opening of this office is an important sign of our support for the Libyan people. The EU puts its words into action ». Several meetings are planned on this occasion with representatives of the National Transitional Council (the Libyan opposition), members of civil society and international partners.

(credit: alarabiya)

Support now and for the future

« I saw the welcoming words at the airport "we have a dream ". And " I am here today to explain and be very clear about the intensity and extent of the European Union's support for the Libyan people declared Cathy Ashton after her meeting with Mustapha Abdul Jalil, the president of the CNT. The two interlocutors discussed a number of topics: support for border management and security reform, support for the economy, health and education, support for civil society ". " This support - clarified Lady Ashton - " is not meant to be just limited to now, it is meant to last into the future. The Libyan people must discuss the future they want. I am here - on behalf of the 27 countries of the European Union - to offer our support for your future ».

An important symbolic act, Finally!

This is a first for two reasons: the EU has no delegation in Libya. And it has rarely opened a "technical" office - in such an official way - in a city that is not the capital of the country and is held by the opposition to a regime. It is also a "beautiful blow", political, for the EU's diplomatic service - quite unfairly criticized in recent weeks - and for Cathy Ashton, in a personal capacity, just before the meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the "27" . Several European political leaders - the European Parliament in its large majority in particular - had requested symbolic demonstrations from the High Representative. It is now done.

(credit: European Commission)

The office located at Hotel Tibesti

The "technical liaison office" of the EU will initially be located at the Tibesti hotel in the center of Benghazi, it is specified on the side of the High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs. Where the European Humanitarian Aid Office (ECHO), the UN and other international agencies are already located, as well as diplomats from various governments. " We are currently in Benghazi. But as soon as it is possible, we will be present in Tripoli clarifies an EU official, thus wanting to thwart in advance any accusation of playing the game of a partition of Libya. Partition which does not seem, according to the witnesses on the spot, the will of the leaders of the opposition.

Vehicle branding, a fundamental element of the European presence (credit: European Commission)

A preparatory team, light and discreet

An assessment team from the diplomatic service had been on site for several days to prepare for this implementation (security, logistics, etc.). And the precursor team of the office arrived in Benghazi on Thursday, under the direction of Agostino Miozzo, the director of the "crisis response" department to open the office and prepare for the visit of the High Representative of the EU.

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Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).
