East AfricaBlog Analysis

Towards an EU training mission for the Somali army? Initiative fr.

(B2) Taboo subject, still a few weeks ago, the French initiative to train the Somali security forces (the Somali army) was presented to the Council of EU Defense Ministers, in Brussels on Monday. It is a question of allowing the establishment of a force "robust", of about 6.000 men. France had undertaken - during the conference of the international community - to train 500 men (a battalion), from September, relying on the French forces based in Djibouti (FFDJ) The Arab countries, for their part, undertake to also finance this training.

A non-executive SSR mission

Presented by Jean-Marie Bockel, Secretary of State for Defence, the initiative consists of proposing to "its European partners"to join the French project in different forms (training, material, financial support...) and to set up a real military mission"non-executive", support and training within the framework of the ESDP. This is called an SSR mission (reform of the security forces). The format would be slightly different from the SSR mission in Congo or the future Althea II mission - such that it will be reconfigured (at the end of the year in particular) but the objective would remain the same: to form a modern, efficient and democratic army. The soldiers would, in fact, be trained not in the country but "off shore" in Djibouti (where the French especially, but also the Germans are present permanently, as well as the Americans) or in other African countries, like in Burundi (place of training of the soldiers of the United Nations).

An SSR mission from September?

The French minister insisted on the need for a European framework, whether for the objective of the mission or the status of personnel. A training of 500 men requires about 150 trainers and represents a cost of 1,5 million euros, says one French side. The training action for the French could be launched from the end of September 2009, for a period of six weeks. It received the support of the Germans and the Dutch, it is said from a French source. " There is general agreement on the principle and methods of training “Said Bruno Le Maire, to a few journalists (including myself), at the end of the Council. " Everyone agrees that we must first secure the Somali security forces. Ageneral agreement underlined by Javier Solana (the Union's chief diplomat). It remains to determine precisely who will participate in this mission. It will take a few months for that”.

RCzech reluctance but green light confirmed for EU

The Czech Defense Minister, Martin Bartak (faithful to the spirit of general reluctance to European initiatives), wanted to be much more cautious during his press conference. “It is still too early to speak of a European operation or a delay” he explained. " We still have to study all the aspects”. However, he declined to say whether or not he agreed with this proposal. “We have just received the proposal”. But on the side of those close to Javier Solana and the Council services, we confirm the good general state of mind of the 27. This mission has indeed received a "political green light" and the work of preparation and planning could be started quickly.


(updated May 19)

Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).

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