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Which countries responded to France's call? François confirms the B2 info!

FrancoisHollande18December2015 2(B2) François Hollande, earlier, during the final press conference, in turn gave a short report on the application of article 42.7. This was done in two stages: first an introductory intervention, prepared in advance, rather optimistic. Then a readjustment, a little more precise when we questioned him, pointing out that we didn't quite have the same names as him in our bag...

Europe was there

« A month after the Minister of Defense seized his counterparts, European countries responded. The United Kingdom, Germany, Belgium, Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, Italy. There is a very great solidarity, a very great mobilization to allow us to have on the military level the answer and the response which is necessary. We join forces against Daesh. And we are also ensuring that the trafficking that Daesh may organize, oil trafficking, trafficking in works of art, can be annihilated. France can observe that solidarity has been there. »

Please investigate

The occasion was too good not to ask the president for a few details, because he seemed to us a bit lyrical. In our survey, in fact, we did not note such Dutch or Italian enthusiasm, for example. François Hollande, in a teasing response, first "thanked" to investigate and provide me (thus) information that may be useful ”... Then he provided some clarifications, which are useful, because they qualify the commitment of each country, and go back a little in his initial presentation.

Important decision in the UK

The French president notably wanted to explain why the response of the United Kingdom and Germany in particular was fundamental, both politically and militarily.

UK, " it is important because Cameron had been prevented from intervening when France was ready for it, compared to Bashar's regime which had used chemical weapons. This time, he was able to obtain the support of his parliament, of the House of Commons to act in Syria against Daesh. » (1)

And major decision in Germany

For Germany, too, it is an absolutely major decision taken by the Chancellor and the Bundestag. This is the first time that the Germans will be able to participate in an external operation, not only by providing equipment but also personnel (2). So it's a very strong moment of solidarity. »

Sweden: not so simple given the tradition

« Other countries, such as Sweden (3), announced on December 16 means in terms of air transport. There too, you know the tradition of Sweden, it was not so simple. »

Other contributions pending

« In Belgium (4) and Denmark (5), discussions are also under way for this contribution. And I know that Italy (6), the Netherlands (7) also have this desire. In Spain (8), there are elections on Sunday. And it will be after the ballot that we can have confirmation. »

Modest but symbolic contributions of solidarity

« We will continue with all countries. Sometimes these are countries that give modest contributions (9) but which are also symbolic of their desire to take part in the fight against terrorism, against Daesh and also to show solidarity with France. »

Comment: We couldn't have said it better. And as the President says...

(Nicolas Gros-Verheyde)

Our fact check

(1) Correct

(2) The President is somewhat enthusiastic. Germany was heavily involved in the Balkans, first in the 1990s, which was the first intervention of this type abroad, then in Afghanistan, under the NATO banner in both cases. What is certain is that this is the first time that there has been such a commitment in the Middle East, and above all so fast...

(3) Correct. The president forgets Finland, which made an identical or even greater commitment than that of Sweden

(4) Correct. In fact, Belgium is also waiting to see the French request and the framework for joint action (replacement of Barkhane, European pillar in the Minusma, etc.) clarified to go further. It offered to commit a contingent of 300 personnel to the Sahel.

(5) Denmark is going, for the moment, towards a commitment in the MINUSMA, already committed and decided at the time of the invocation of the solidarity clause (the vote in Parliament took place on November 17). It certainly contributes to the same objective: the stabilization of Mali. But we can't talk about additional staff or resources.

(6) It was not what we perceived in the Italian attitude that was more of a polite 'no'. 'We are engaged elsewhere'. A sort of answer from the shepherd to the shepherdess. Rome apparently did not appreciate a slight French obstruction in European talks for Somalia.

(7) Yes exactly, there is a debate in The Hague, also because there is a US demand to engage more in strikes in Syria

(8) Correct

(9) Very accurate. Many countries have very modestly wanted to commit a little more, particularly to the Sahel.

Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).
