The author of the blog
Nicolas Gros Verheyde. Journalist. Degree in public law and European law (Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne). Correspondent "European Affairs" for Sud-Ouest, Ouest-France and the Lettre de l'expansion after France-Soir and the Tribune. I have collaborated with Europolitique (European press agency), Arte and Lci, published articles in the press, practical works: "working time", "works council" (Ed. Partenaires - Ministry of Labor), "staff representation in companies" (Ed. Dalian/Wolter Kluwer), and a more academic work - "competition rules versus social rules", 1996. On my second center of interest which now constitutes the major part of my contribution to the blogosphere: the European Union, foreign policy and European Defense, you can see the blog Brussels2 and B2 Pro The Club (updated daily) which provides in-depth analyses and exclusive information.