B2 Brussels2 The Blog

Political and defence Europe (by Nicolas Gros-Verheyde)

B2's life

The strategic meetings of the Mediterranean are on September 27 and 28 in Toulon

(B2) Note on your agenda the strategic meetings of the Mediterranean, of which B2 is a partner (27 and 28 September in Toulon).

Au Programs :

Tuesday, September 27


"Geopolitical Recompositions: After Ukraine?" with Major General Vincent Breton (CICDE), Alexandra Goujon (University of Burgundy), Céline Marangé (IRSEM) - Moderator: GCA (2s) Patrick Lefebvre (FMES).

Conflicts and technological breakthroughs: Contemporary evolution of space (Cloud, Cyber)", with Brigadier General Thierry Blanc (Space Command), Florence Gaillard-Sborowsky (FRS) Mickael Ulvoa (Thales) - Moderator: Xavier Pasco (FRS),

Transversal security challenges "Energy, climate and environment" with Alexandra Nicolas (University of Tours/Ministry of the Armed Forces) Alexandre Taithe (FRS), Luca Baccarini (IRIS) - Moderator: Nicolas Mazzucchi CESM


"Rivalry of powers: China, United States, European Union": Bruno Dupré (SEAE), Maya Kandel (Univ. Sorbonne Nouvelle), Valérie Niquet (FRS) - Moderator: Marie-France Chatin (RFI)

Conflicts and technological breakthroughs: "Drones: Mechanization and dehumanization of weapon systems" with Frédéric Coste (FRS), Eric Papin (Naval Group), Lionel Collot (Thales) - Moderator: Océane Zubeldia IRSEM

Transversal security challenges: "Displacements and Migrations: Security Issues" with Vincent Cochetel (UNHCR), Rear Admiral Jean de Muizon (Operation IRINI, Rear Admiral Giacinto Sciandra (Italian Navy), Major General Pierre-Joseph Givre (CDEC) - Moderator: Jean-Christophe Martin Université Côte d'Azur / OS2MO.

(17 p.m.) Round table of military leaders: French CEMM and Portuguese CEMA

Wednesday, September 28

(From 9 a.m.) Breakfast with the French Ambassador to UNESCO, Véronique Roger-Lacan.

Geopolitical Recompositions: "Recompositions in the Middle East: Turkey, Iran, Gulf Monarchies" with Dorothée Schmid (IFRI), Emma Soubrier (Arab Gulf States Institute), Pierre Razoux (FMES) - Moderator: Agnès Levallois (FRS).

Conflicts and technological breakthroughs: "The challenges of hypervelocity" with Charles-Henri du Ché (Ariane Group), Stéphane Delory (FRS) Laurent Duport (MBDA), Luc Dini (Thalès/3AED-IHEDN).

Cross-cutting security challenges: "Multilateralism challenged The case of the Mediterranean" with GAA (2s) Jean-Paul Palomeros (former Head of NATO ACT and former Chief of Staff of the Air Force), Wing Vice-Admiral Hervé Bléjean (current State Director - Major of the EU - EUMS), Admiral Kamel Akrout (former adviser to the Tunisian President) - Moderator: VAE (2s) Pascal Ausseur (FMES)


Free entry, but registration required.

All information (program, location, hotels, map).


Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).
