The strategic meetings of the Mediterranean are on September 27 and 28 in Toulon

(B2) Note on your agenda the strategic meetings of the Mediterranean, of which B2 is a partner (27 and 28 September in Toulon).
Au Programs :
Tuesday, September 27
"Geopolitical Recompositions: After Ukraine?" with Major General Vincent Breton (CICDE), Alexandra Goujon (University of Burgundy), Céline Marangé (IRSEM) - Moderator: GCA (2s) Patrick Lefebvre (FMES).
Conflicts and technological breakthroughs: Contemporary evolution of space (Cloud, Cyber)", with Brigadier General Thierry Blanc (Space Command), Florence Gaillard-Sborowsky (FRS) Mickael Ulvoa (Thales) - Moderator: Xavier Pasco (FRS),
Transversal security challenges "Energy, climate and environment" with Alexandra Nicolas (University of Tours/Ministry of the Armed Forces) Alexandre Taithe (FRS), Luca Baccarini (IRIS) - Moderator: Nicolas Mazzucchi CESM
"Rivalry of powers: China, United States, European Union": Bruno Dupré (SEAE), Maya Kandel (Univ. Sorbonne Nouvelle), Valérie Niquet (FRS) - Moderator: Marie-France Chatin (RFI)
Conflicts and technological breakthroughs: "Drones: Mechanization and dehumanization of weapon systems" with Frédéric Coste (FRS), Eric Papin (Naval Group), Lionel Collot (Thales) - Moderator: Océane Zubeldia IRSEM
Transversal security challenges: "Displacements and Migrations: Security Issues" with Vincent Cochetel (UNHCR), Rear Admiral Jean de Muizon (Operation IRINI, Rear Admiral Giacinto Sciandra (Italian Navy), Major General Pierre-Joseph Givre (CDEC) - Moderator: Jean-Christophe Martin Université Côte d'Azur / OS2MO.
(17 p.m.) Round table of military leaders: French CEMM and Portuguese CEMA
Wednesday, September 28
(From 9 a.m.) Breakfast with the French Ambassador to UNESCO, Véronique Roger-Lacan.
Geopolitical Recompositions: "Recompositions in the Middle East: Turkey, Iran, Gulf Monarchies" with Dorothée Schmid (IFRI), Emma Soubrier (Arab Gulf States Institute), Pierre Razoux (FMES) - Moderator: Agnès Levallois (FRS).
Conflicts and technological breakthroughs: "The challenges of hypervelocity" with Charles-Henri du Ché (Ariane Group), Stéphane Delory (FRS) Laurent Duport (MBDA), Luc Dini (Thalès/3AED-IHEDN).
Cross-cutting security challenges: "Multilateralism challenged The case of the Mediterranean" with GAA (2s) Jean-Paul Palomeros (former Head of NATO ACT and former Chief of Staff of the Air Force), Wing Vice-Admiral Hervé Bléjean (current State Director - Major of the EU - EUMS), Admiral Kamel Akrout (former adviser to the Tunisian President) - Moderator: VAE (2s) Pascal Ausseur (FMES)
Free entry, but registration required.
All information (program, location, hotels, map).