[News] The Belgian government shamelessly deports a young Iranian woman (v2)
(B2) She is Iranian, barely 20 years old. Like those demonstrating in Iran. She asked for asylum in Belgium. Without success. She was just deported on Friday. Expulsion by the Belgians, who did not take gloves.

Belgium decided to expel Aisha* where she came from, to Iran via Istanbul. Without remorse. Without taking into account the current context of repression in Iran, particularly against young women, or his personal situation (1). Without waiting for the outcome of the appeal brought before the court.
Two first attempts fail
The young Iranian woman refused and resisted. The first attempts at deportation via Brussels Zaventem airport failed. September 14, first of all. Aisha * resists: the pilot refuses to take her on board. On the way back to the closed center, she is “ harassed and beaten says his support committee. Second attempt, September 20, by force. Fists and feet tied, escorted by two police officers, she clearly shows her resistance by shouting. The passengers support her to the point that she ends up being taken out of the plane.
Discount on a Turkish Airlines flight
Third attempt on Friday (September 23), the same day she is due to appear in court to plead for her release. First in the morning. The same scenario as the 20th occurs. Handcuffed, she resists. The passengers protest. She got out of the plane again. But the police put her back on another plane: Turkish Airlines flight TK 1944 at 14:50 p.m. She still resists. But this time, the passengers do not react. The plane takes off and lands without incident late in the afternoon in Istanbul. There, she managed to escape vigilance and take shelter.
Bumpy eviction
The Belgian police do not seem to have been gentle about it. Aisha* has bruises on her body. She should be examined by a doctor. Which raises questions about the police methods. It is, to the day, 24 years after the Adamu affair, this young Nigerian woman who died during her expulsion by the Belgian police. She died of asphyxiation by the use of the pillow method – to “calm her down”, on 22 September 1998. This led to the resignation of the Minister of the Interior at the time, Louis Tobback (SpA).
The methods of the police in question
Certainly the consequences are not as serious. But the brutalities, if proven, are of concern. The Minister of the Interior Annelies Verlinden and her Secretary of State for Asylum, Nicole de Moor, both members of the CD&V, the Flemish Christian Democratic party, could have to explain themselves especially if the P committee (the police fonts) is entered.
Words and deeds
From a diplomatic point of view, this expulsion is also of concern. Foreign Minister Hadja Lahbib condemned (timidly) the repression in Iran. The European Union has just strongly condemned the repression, in vain. It seems to have very little weight with regard to asylum policy. The government led by Alexander De Croo (MR/Liberal) has decided to be firm. It doesn't matter what happens in the country of origin, Iran. In his actions, he proceeds in a manner similar to the power of the mullahs in Iran: detaining, beating and making him risk death.
(Nicolas Gros-Verheyde)
Updated on 26.9.2022 in the morning with details on the eviction series and his personal situation
*Assumed name to protect identity.
- The young woman is threatened with death by her family because she fled an organized marriage. An influential family. Arriving in Belgium at the end of July 2022, she was arrested and detained in the Caricole closed center in Steenokkerzeel. His asylum application is rejected. But this refusal is challenged by herself and her lawyer, Monica Bemba.