Latest news from EU peacekeeping missions and operations – CSDP (July 2021)
(B2) The tour of missions and operations is ultimately never like any other. This month, we are boarding alongside Europeans on the deck of a ship, on land. Or to climb the slopes of a mountain to collect anti-personnel mines. They applaud the creativity of law enforcement to fight corruption. In Iraq, the mission extends its presence to Kurdistan…
Niamey (Niger). New mobile company at the border
The creation of a third Mobile Border Control Company (CMCF) is on track. An agreement has just been signed to this effect between the European mission to support the internal security and stabilization forces of Niger (EUCAP Sahel Niger) and the National Police. Details here

Erbil (Iraq). Reinforced presence in Iraqi Kurdistan
In view of the opening of a presence in Erbil, the head of the European Union Internal Security Advisory Mission (EUAM Iraq), Christoph Buik, traveled for a series of meetings with the authorities regional. The challenge is to strengthen cooperation in the area of security sector reform. A visit widely reported by the local press. Details here

Mogadishu (Somalia). boat ashore
The " ship in a box » (SIAB), the Law Enforcement Training Centre, served as a training ground for a joint integration training between the Bosaso Port Maritime Police Units (BP-MPU) and the Somali Police Force (SPF-MPU). The SIAB is a land-based replica of a merchant ship deck. It was handed over to the Somali Police Force Maritime Police (SPF-MPU) by the EU Maritime Capabilities Support Mission (EUCAP Somalia) two years ago. Details here

Treskavica (Bosnia and Herzegovina). Mine clearance in the high mountains
When members of the helicopter crew of EUFOR Althea air operations (EU stabilization operation) depart with the Civil Protection Agency (CPA) of Bosnia and Herzegovina, on the slopes of Mount Treskavica (2088 meters at the summit), it is not for an exercise or a simple hiking circuit. But for a mine clearance operation. Here, on hiking trails, we still find anti-personnel mines and explosive remnants of war displaced by avalanches. Details here
Gulf of Aden. The sea route of food aid
Escorting World Food Program boats remains a flagship activity of the anti-maritime piracy operation (EUNAVFOR Atalanta) in the Gulf. EUNAVFOR Somalia has “ a 100% success rate in protecting WFP in the Horn of Africa, and we are fully committed to maintaining it explains Rear Admiral (LH) Luca P. Esposito, CTF 465 Force Commander. here

Ukraine. Campaign Against Corruption
Three videos and three posters were selected to illustrate the new awareness campaign on the importance of preventing and fighting corruption, carried out by the European Union advisory mission to the Ukrainian internal security forces (EUAM Ukraine). The awards ceremony took place in July. Nearly 100 candidates, from 14 law enforcement academies, responded to the competition launched by the mission in partnership with the Hanns Seidel Foundation. Details here and the posters to discover leaves.

Enguri (Georgia). Visit from Ukrainian neighbor
President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky visited the Enguri Bridge near the Abkhazian administrative demarcation line. The opportunity for the head of the EU observation mission in Georgia (EUMM Georgia), Ambassador Marek Szczygieł, to give him an overview of the issues and the contrasting developments in the situation in terms of security and a humanitarian plan. Details here

Bamako (Mali) Taking up post
The new force commander of EUTM Mali, German Brigadier General Jochen Deuer, took office on July 7, 2021. He succeeds Brigadier General Fernando Luis Gracia Herreiz (Spanish Army). Details here

(information collected by Emmanuelle Stroesser)
NB: To find out everything about the latest developments in European defense policy, the essential thing to obtain: the new European defense 'toolbox', which has just been published, as well as our reference book on CSDP
Read also on the B2 Pro (published in September):
- General Graziano, living encyclopedia of European defense
- Özlem Demirel, an anti-militarist at the heart of European defense
- Political green light for the EUTM Mozambique mission. Objective: the formation of an effective QRF (v2)
- My six months at the head of EUTM Mali. General Gracia Herreiz confides
- In Somalia everything has disappeared, everything must be rebuilt (Chris Reynolds)
- Where ? When ? How? 'Or' What ? The key points of the future EU Training Mission in Mozambique (EUTM)
And on the blog:
- Back to Operation Artemis. The original model of battlegroups, a myth?
- Takuba. The Italians operational at the end of the summer. With reconnaissance and Medevac capability
- Two Daesh executives neutralized in Mali by Barkhane with the Americans (v2)
- An attack on the EUTM Mali camp in Koulikoro
- Behind the scenes of the Takuba task force (Ltt-Col. François)
- A meeting of ministers on the Takuba task force. At 26 to take stock
- Norway will join Takuba in the fall