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The Belgian frigate Leopold I in Emasoh

(B2) The Belgian frigate joined “ this week » the surveillance mission in the Strait of Hormuz (EMASOH) ensures Agenor HQ this Monday (April 12) via a tweet. The Léopold Ier (F-930) will make it possible to “reinsure” merchant ships cruising off the coast of Iran. The mission, launched at the initiative of France, now has a single ship - the La Fayette Guépratte (F-714) type frigate - and a maritime patrol aircraft, the Atlantique 2 type. This while tensions with Iran are still very present.

Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).
