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Go to Barkhane: a bee-eater! warn Belgian MPs from several parties

(B2) From Flemish nationalists to French-speaking ecologists via French-speaking or Flemish liberals, it cannot be said that the Belgian commitment to Operation Barkhane arouses great enthusiasm

The Belgian Chamber of Deputies (credit: Chambre.be)

We had indicated that the Belgian commitment in Barkhane, a company, 250 men strong, was not obvious on the Belgian side (read: A Belgian company in Operation Barkhane. A political agreement still needed). The debate at the Defense Committee of the Chamber of Deputies on December 9 (via zoom) proved this. Spirits do not seem to be ripe on the Belgian side. And the questions are numerous, coming both from the opposition and from member parties of the 'Vivaldi' coalition in government. The commitment in Barkhane only appears in dotted lines in the 2021 operations plan (read: Baltic countries, Sahel, West Africa, Iraq, Afghanistan… Belgium's operations for 2021 in detail). And no amount has been budgeted yet.

Not to become a sub-division of the French army

Credit where credit is due, it was the Flemish nationalists (in opposition) who fired first. The Belgian army should not become a sub-division of the French army indicated Theo Francken (N-VA), wondering about the need for further engagement in this region, as well as the rules of engagement. But this is not an isolated opinion. Far from there.

Why engage in such a trap

In the aftermath, several parties expressed their 'doubts' (a positive word!), their 'reluctance' and even their opposition as it stands. " As it stands, we cannot approve this file. “, warned Kris Verduyckt (SP-A), qualifying as” bee-eater » the situation in Mali. " If we do something abroad it can have consequences here. The involvement of parliament is absolutely necessary. There is an important development aspect. By carrying out military action, we must not endanger our development action in Mali. An important point for the Flemish socialists.

A necessary debate in Parliament

« We must not be afraid, but we must manage it carefully, have a well-defined political and military strategy. “, added Jasper Pillen (Open-VLD), also using the word” bee-eater " his mouth. " I skeptical about this commitment “, added his French-speaking colleague of the MR (Reforming Movement), Kattrin Jadin. " We must have a debate in Parliament, have clarifications, see in what form this commitment [can take place], what specific requests have been made to Belgium “, specified the deputy.

Why engage alongside a former colonial power?

So many questions asked among the Greens. " The international mandate, the rules of engagement, we have several questions to ask ourselves. You have to have a very big discussion “, indicates Guillaume Défossé (Eco-friendly). " There is a difficulty in engaging alongside a former colonial power in the region “, he added.

What exit strategy?

The only support for the Minister of Defense came from the French-speaking PS... and again. Former Minister of Defense André Flahaut warned of the need to always " plan an exit strategy ". A general warning but which was also addressed to Barkhane.

No decision made

The Belgian Minister of Defense Ludivine Dedonder was also very cautious at the end of this debate: “ There is no decision made. We are in preliminary analyses, on the military side. “An analysis that includes” the means to be committed, the risks ". It is necessary " take the time to analyze it all properly ". He will come back " then to Parliament to discuss...

(Nicolas Gros-Verheyde)

Transcription by our care of the debate held at the Defense Committee on 9.12.

Citation possible according to the usual rules (media + author + link). The mere presence of a link is not sufficient and constitutes an infringement. Full reproduction prohibited without permission.

Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).
