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[Carte Blanche] Security in the Mediterranean. Two days to reflect, understand and share ideas (Fabio Agostini)

(credit: EUNAVFOR Med Irini)

(B2) On the eve of the 'Shade Med' conference, Admiral Fabio Agostini, commander of the European operation Irini explains the why and how of this virtual arena which will bring together civilian and military actors from the three continents around the Mare nostrum

A key moment

At this historic moment, of great complexity and remarkable effervescence, celebrating the Mediterranean Sea in a forum is a necessary step. This SHADE MED (Shared awareness and De-confliction in the Mediterranean) conference which takes place on Thursday and Friday (November 26-27) is important. It will allow all professionals and the public who will connect by videoconference to discuss the challenges of the region and possible future prospects.

An essential place of exchange, a bridge between the Atlantic and the Indo-Pacific

The Mediterranean basin is now a 'water bridge' which ensures continuity, with commercial connections, from the Atlantic to the Indo-Pacific. It is an area with a very high rate of economic and cultural exchanges, with historical and new actors as well as regional powers interested in having a certain influential weight in this matter.

Cooperation in the Mediterranean a challenge

The theme of this year's SHADE MED — "Challenges of cooperation in the Mediterranean after the global pandemic" — will shed light on the different possible scenarios and, thanks to high-level speakers, will pave the way for new joint initiatives in the benefit of all actors who have interests and share objectives related to this strategic sea.

A virtual arena for three continents

I am very keen on this international seminar which, precisely because of the Covid-19 pandemic, will take place online. For two intense days, this is going to be a virtual arena with participants from three continents overlooking the Mediterranean Sea but also the headquarters of the EU operation IRINI which I have the honor to command.

Reflect, understand and share ideas

We consider it necessary to reflect, understand and share ideas on how to face the current period and what will follow the pandemic at the economic, human and structural level in the Mediterranean area. I am convinced that if we ask ourselves the right questions and face reality with a holistic yet pragmatic approach, we can really achieve lasting results.

There's still much to do

Within the framework of Operation IRINI, for example, we tried to deal with this issue by adopting several measures, always keeping a positive and proactive attitude. However, we are aware that there is still a lot to do, at different levels (not only operational), to reasonably manage all the challenges that Covid-19 and the Mediterranean region bring with them.

Our mission: to guarantee stability and security in the central Mediterranean

Our ambition with this conference is to make a proactive contribution. By remaining equidistant from the parties, we work day after day to guarantee stability and security in the central Mediterranean. Our future is written in this sea, cradle of civilization, a blue road for the future, a scenario of challenges and great opportunities that the Covid-19 pandemic forces us to seize. It is up to us to be proactive and vigilant for the common good.

Rear Admiral Fabio Agostini, Commander of Operation IRINI

Titles and intertitles are from the editorial staff

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