Latest news from EU peacekeeping missions and operations – CSDP (August 2020)
(B2) Lots of news on the Somalia this month. Elsewhere, exchanges of good practices continue (in Palestinian territory) as do donations of equipment (in Bosnia and Herzegovina). To discover again, the 'guardians of the mission' in Mali
(Mogadishu) Civilian and military expertise for the transition in Somalia
The teams from the Civilian Capacity Building (EUCAP Somalia) and Military Training Missions in Somalia (EUTM Somalia) have combined their expertise to provide training to the Somali Police Force (SPF) planning team. The training focused on project management and military planning » . She is signing up " as part of the transition to a larger civilian police in this East African country, and the prospect of Somali forces taking over from the United Nations mission (AMISOM). Details here
(Mogadishu) Somalia. Meeting with Turkish forces
In mid-August, the commanders of the European (EUTM Somalia) and Turkish (Turksom) missions training the Somali army took stock of their activities. The opportunity for Brigadier General Fabiano Zinzone, new commander of the European force, to visit the installations of the Turkish base, in the Somali capital.
(Bamako and Koulikouro) Mali. Focus on "the guardians of the mission"
Escort, security, VIP protection, medical evacuation are part of their tasks. These soldiers are responsible for protecting the headquarters of the Malian army's military training mission (EUTM Mali) in Bamako and its training camp in Koulikoro. Details here
(Ramallah) West Bank. Exchange of good practices for fair trials
How to strengthen the right to a fair trial for Palestinians in the West Bank? This was the focus of the (virtual) meeting at the beginning of August between the human rights and rule of law advisers of the police support mission and the rule of law for the Palestinian territory ( EUPOL COPPS) and their Palestinian counterparts. 72 recommendations came out. Details here
(Foča) Bosnia and Herzegovina. Donation of equipment to a local medical center
Medical supplies were donated to the local medical center in Foča for Covid-19 screenings. The donation was presented to Dr Miroslav Ristanović by Captain Vladimir Satka of the Liaison Observation Team (LOT) of the Stabilization Operation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (EUFOR Althea). It is one of 17 teams that cover the country. Details here
(information collected by Emmanuelle Stroesser)
NB: To know everything or review, do not hesitate to obtain our book on CSDP
Read also on the B2 Pro (published in August):
- Operation Irini without additional reinforcements. Europeans reluctant to invest more in Libya (v2)
- A Portuguese colonel takes the helm of the EUTM RCA mission